Unexplained Infertility - Needing any information you can give to me about IVf

Hi, I was hoping someone could give me some information as to what to expect with IVF using ICSI. My husband and I have tried to have a baby with three fertility specialists but never going to IVF because we could not afford it. We did everything else though. We have tried since we got married in 1998 and now I will be 40 in October. I have also tried on my own using the turkey baster, and the clear plan easy computer. It always shows I ovulate.

1) Can someone give me some general information about the cost of IVF with ICSI? That is the only thing they never check us for and they say we have unexplained infertility. I was diagnosed with Endometriosis in the past but it did not cause any damage to my tubes or uterus.

2) Do you know of a good reasonable priced doctor near Nashville TN? Our insurance will not cover this.

3) Is there anyway to get government assistance or grants to have the procedure that anyone knows of?

Any information anyone can think of will be extremely helpful to us.



PP09717A, thank you for being here. I don't have direct experience with IVF, though I am here to offer my help and support. I am hoping that one of our Supporters will give you direct insight. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I personally have not had IVF but have done some research on this for my sis as her husband may be infertile but we don't know this is some of what I have found.

ICSI is done as a part of IVF. Since ICSI is done in the lab, your IVF treatment won’t seem much different than an IVF treatment without ICSI.

As with regular IVF, you’ll take ovarian stimulating drugs, while your doctor will monitor your progress with blood tests and ultrasounds. Once you’ve grown enough good-sized follicles, you’ll have the egg retrieval, where eggs are removed from your ovaries with a specialized, ultrasound-guided needle.

Your partner will provide his sperm sample that same day (unless you’re using a sperm donor, or previously frozen sperm.)

Once the eggs are retrieved, an embryologist will place the eggs in a special culture, and using a microscope and tiny needle, a single sperm will be injected into an egg. This will be done for each egg retrieved.

If fertilization takes place, and the embryos are healthy, an embryo or two will be transferred to your uterus, via a catheter placed through the cervix, two to five days after the retrieval.

You can get more detailed information here in this IVF Treatment Step by Step.
How Much Does ICSI Cost?

ICSI typically costs between $1,000 to $1,500. This is on top of the general IVF cost, which on average costs $12,000 to $15,000. It may cost more than this if other IVF options are being used.

Thank you so much for the information it helped me a lot...

maybe you can check out Barbados fertility center, google it, you'll be amazed at the reasonable prices they offer it's much less than what you would get it for in the US. Once you get to the website there's loads of information there, and you can contact them for further info or a free consultation...