Okay, so I had my first treatment yesterday and I am still feeling pretty good this evening. I went to the gym this morning (kept it light though) and ran some errands with my wife this afternoon. I'm feeling a bit tired but other then that I'm doing fine. So at this point I am just waiting to start feeling bad.
How soon after treatment do things start to kick in?
Hey Ryan sounds like you're doing pretty good stop waiting for something to happen. I didn't feel anything at first but tired and a little nausea the next day after my first treatment. And I never had any of the stuff I was told I was going to have. My hair didn't fall out either. But I have terrible fatigue that creeped in about the 3rd treatment and it's still here and I had my last treatment in August. So I say just go with the flow and be sure to tell your doc of any numbness or tingles or shortness of breath.
Thanks Ms.P. I have some nausea this morning, but all and all I'm still feeling pretty good. I think I will stay close to home this weekend just in case, but at this point I'm just going to take your advice and go with the flow.
I would be uber careful to work out at all the first two days after chemo. I heard a decent work out led someone to the emergency room. I'd rather be chill than there. But the next two weeks should e fine..
RyanM, maybe it won't drop. That would mean that I would be all-consumed with jealous rage that I would no longer be able to converse with you (ha!) but it is a possibility.
My wish and prayer for you is that it is. However, I think the others have hit the nail on the head- the fatigue will compound as normally nights without sleep compound.
I've heard the same about working out, that it can cause some pretty rugged side effects. Don't forget that all your bodies efforts are going into healing and recouping after chemo which means that very little is being poured into normal recoup after stress on the body(physical). Just be careful, I know you want to keep those awesome guns.
LOL Annie. I'm definitely not feeling as well today. The fatigue has hit pretty hard, so I've been napping for most of the day.
My gym regiment is extremely light. I am only doing a few minutes on the elliptical and then lifting about 10% of my normal weights just to stay in the habit. Although I'm guessing I will be staying away from there for the next 3 to 4 days now.
Do what feel right, however, staying away for the first two days may mean you don't have to skip the next 3-4 days... But you will learn what your body is telling you. I haven't done much today but enough I'm almost certain tomorrow will be spent in bed.
Oh I forgot to tell everyone NO full body massages while taking chemo a massage therapist said its not good to have them until you're completely done with chemo. And Ryan are you extra hungry or have you lost your appetite?
Be careful about going to the gym PERIOD. There are sooooo many germs there on the equipment and around the areas. Your immune system is at its weakest right after chemo. That's not to say that you shouldn't exercise. I have heard some people exercise to get through the nausea and some can't even get out of bed. We are all different. I could barely walk around the block but would try to at least get my butt out of bed a few times a day and walk to the driveway and back.
That is great that you feel good and no nausea...lucky SOB! (I am just jealous!) LOL! Seriously, I am really happy that you feel pretty good. I didn't get too sick after my first chemo until 2 days after. Now, I have the nausea the day after. But chemo is cumulative and seemed to be a little worse each time I go. Thankfully I have my last one on Wednesday! Woot!
Get plenty of rest when you need it. There is no such thing as sleeping too much while you are going through chemo. If you feel weak or tired, just call it a day and rest up. Did you get your shot the day after? That actually can make you feel flu-ish but again, everyone is different.
Hope you are feeling well today and enjoying your weekend.
ms.P, my appetite is all but gone. I have to find stuff I can eat just so I have something in my stomach.
Ddreal, I hadn't given any thought to the germs at the gym. That is an excellent point. Maybe some home exercise will be better for the next few months.
My mouth is starting to get a bit sore and now I'm feeling pretty wiped out. So I guess ill have to remember to enjoy the first 24 hours of feeling okay.
If you still want to get some physical activity, it's best to just get out and walk. Our family gets out for a thirty minute walk every day. It's nothing major, but it gets my hubby out and moving, and I think that's important.
There are studies showing that mild exercise such as walking are beneficial during chemo. But, you have to be super careful and not take things too far.
Before I was diagnosed, I worked out every day with weights. My doc told me I could continue to work out as long as I took it easy. Since it's all or nothing with me I decided it was best to just take a break and let my body focus on healing. That didn't mean I didn't stay active: I took walks, coached my son's baseball team, and played soccer with my daughter.
As it was explained to me, the concern with working out has to do mostly with your blood pressure. Since some of these chemo drugs can damage your heart, it's best to keep your blood pressure down as much as possible. Heavy weightlifting, especially if you don't breath properly, can definitely raise your blood pressure during your workouts.
My blood pressure was up and I hadn't been doing anything remotely vigorous. I went to a fish store after chemo and Now I'm sick and breaking out in sweats. For the younger patients, our hormones are rapidly growing this cancer while the docs are using especially toxic chemicals to fight it. I only get one of these yhar bodies and I'm not willing to play games with it... I was working out 6 days a week, now my routine is very light... I still have to work and take care of my son.... Have to keep priorities in order.