Want to quit by May 4th, any suggestions?

I smoked whenever I had the chance to get a smoke from age 13-18. After I turned 18, I smoked everyday at about a pack a day until I quit when I was almost 24. I ended up smoke-free until 2008, where I smoked from the mid-Dec. to the end of January 2009. Then I stupidly picked up the habit again at the end of 2009 because I was told that someone I really care about wanted nothing to do with me anymore. Now, we talk every now and then and I want to quit smoking by May 4th for good.

The biggest problem with this is that for the last 3 or 4 days, I have been so stressed out that I have begun to smoke more than normal. So I am needing help with quitting smoking, while being under so much stress. Does anyone have any suggestions? PLEASE help me if you can. Thanks so much to all that try! Also, I will be so grateful if any suggestions actually help me.

i totally know where you are coming from with the quit smoking go back to smoking thing. the main thing that has kept me smoke free is i have asthma and i dont want to make it worse and i dont want to get copd. my grandfather was dying from copd in front of me as a child and he literally suffocated to death in front of me. i think about that when i want to smoke because i dont want all that pain and suffering and i dont want to die. again the part that was really hard at first and sometimes is really hard is when there is a stressful situation. if you do have a relapse when you quit dont get discouraged keep going. alot of people have relapses and it does not make you a bad person and it does not mean you have to go back to smoking just because you relapsed. i also cant be around people who smoke because of my asthma and it makes it hard. it makes me want to relapse. i would ask family and friends that smoke to please not do it around you because you are trying to quit. there is also a number that you can call to quit smoking. it is 1-800-QUIT-NOW or 1-800-7848-669. they really helped me out. they were also the main reason i was successful. they have a online website where you can talk to people that are going through the same thing. and you can talk to quit coaches on the phone or on the web. great program let me know if you try it and how it goes :)

Rose, smoking habit is like a good friend that you can rely upon in times of emotional turmoil, but when you least aware this friend will rape you and strangle you to death! Thats the least smoking will do in our lives, at most it control our whole minds we cannot take our own decisions, but before we decide we have to pass our decisions before cigarettes to see if its approved, we become slaves of smoking, now its time to start quitting, dont procrastinate to a certain date, dont ask your addicted part of yourself, just act now take control of your life. Good luck.

You might be interested in following a gallery of creative anti-smoking campaigns - http://www.facebook.com/SmokinAds There are many fans who already quited who can be of help.

The only way to quit, is to actually stop smoking. There will never be a "good" time to quit. Good Luck, ChanceSD