I've relapsed again...
My eating over the last week as been out of control. I have suffered from an eating disorder since I was 15. It started with anerexia until I was 17, then I learned to eat normal for about a year then I discovered bulimia. I didn't do it often but after a year and a move it took over my life for three years. I battled bulima during my early 20's, gained control around 25, and have been dealing with occasional periods of relapse for the last seven years. I am fully aware of the mental and physcial effects that happen to me because for the majority of the time I have been able to have a balanced eating pattern, although always an unhealthy relationship with food.
I started to drink more often in the last few years instead of binge; however, my true issue has always been my unhealthy realtionship with food. I no longer drink, and I have slipped back into bulimia recently. I have binged and purged four times this week. This has been the most in years and I am defiantly feeling the difference. I hate the feeling and I truly love the way I feel when I do not purge.
I have an appointment with a psychologist tomorrow and have taken a break from an extremely jealous and controlling fiance that picks a part every weakness and at many times extremely verbally abusive.
I'm looking to communicate and share my pain, work, and stories with others that understand what I am going through. I feel that my relationship has been the trigger for my relapse but I also don't want to cancel the wedding do to hte fact I have purged and don't want to make a decision I may regret based on my emotional state.
Looking forward to gaining a healthy outlook on eating and feeling the way I will in a couple days without b/p.
Any thoughts or suggestions????