was super confused, for some reason my boyfriend not only looked up the side affects for my medication while I was sleeping, but also looked up the definition for my belief system.. Kind of confused.
What do you think that may mean?
Have you asked him about it?
I dunno. I think the whole thing about my meds is to see if it has any side affects on my sexual drive. However, my belief system I have no clue. Considering we've been together for six years and I've explained it to him many times..
Well, then maybe he just wanted to make sure you are safe, but you should definitely talk to him if you can.
@bleedingdaisy Can’t exactly do that because then I’ll get in shit for snooping through his computer. I’m pretty sure he was looking at it because he thought it was to help with my moods and my attitude and I kept telling him that it was for my ADHD and he didn’t believe me.