Watering the Flowers

A thought struck me this morning as I read a friend's post... It might be easier to care for our bodies if we can see that THEY are not US... :) Not one of us here would starve a child. Not one of us would starve a pet. We give children, friends, animals, PLANTS, what they need to grow and thrive because it's the RIGHT thing to do. The caring thing. We recognize in others the very real physical needs of survival, love, and emotional support. And we give without question. When it comes to ourselves, however, we tend to get stuck... Questions that would never enter our minds when feeding even flowers, surface and swirl and complicate things. We would never pause to consider that our flowers might become too big... Or debate how worthy they are of regular watering... Or try to starve them into a "better" state of being... Our bodies are vessels, my friends... They are not US, but without them, our journey on this earth cannot continue... Let us give them what they need. ♥

Passing thought... ♥ Wishing you all well today.



really amazing, my freind ! and you are so right.

i always try to starve my 'flower' into a better state of being...

and am now suffering the hideous medical problems because of that! so today i have to see my doctor...

all we are doing is killing ourselves and destroying our natrual weight therefore going over said natural weight. if we can just accept who we are then life would be so much easier for us and our body.

man, is that ever easier said then done though. but i am putting up a good fight! i plan to battle this ED with my own mind! ha!


You are definitely right I have a dog and a plant, i never think twice about watering or feeding them. I always think twice about when i eat. I should be taking better care of my flower but as you know too its really hard......

welcome to the site Ana!

jen, i think you're so **** right. i wish i could see myself as a flower, plant or animal. i would do everthing for animals, or for friends. yet i do my **** hardest to destroy myself. why, **** it, why?

lots of love

Somehow we need to begin to recognize ourselves as valuable entities in our own right. Easier said than done, to be sure... We'll keep at it, eh?? :)



Well put, Jen. After I read that, I realized that I would NEVER treat anybody even close to how I treat myself. I still struggle a lot to fight ED thoughts and I still believe them a good part of the time. But when I see friends on here saying those same thoughts about themselves, it makes me soooo angry at ED! I wish I could be that angry at ED for myself too...