Ways to cope?

Help...what ways do you cope other than self-injury with the things that may happen? Please help me...I don't know what else to do. I feel completely lost and it feels like there's nothing else I can think about. I feel like everything is crashing down all over again and there's nothing I can do about it. Cutting makes me feel in control over it, even though deep down I know I'm really not. Is there anything else that can give me that feeling? Or something that can distract me from it, at least?

Are you in counseling? Can you get out in public or call a friend over when you feel like doing self harm? What exactly are you overwhelmed with? Maybe try to break the stress up into little pieces do you don't get to the point? Just a start or ideas...let us know

my step daughter had this, took a lot of counselling and hard work. There is help, you can heal from this. Try to find your triggers and ask for help I would like to support you. I have my own depression and issues that I am working on and I will be there for you if you need someone. I have bee nthru this with my step daughter so I totally understand, she also had depression and bulemia, but she beat it all. You can too. I wish I could hug you and comfort you. My heart goes out to you dear, please try to get help, it's too hard to do it on your own. I will support you if you wish.

I understand exactly how you seem to be feeling. It's hard, even once you've found ways to cope, to resist. I tried a lot of things to distract myself, but it's hard to find things that help personally to you. Sometimes finding something to do with your hands can help, but it's better to find something that occupies your hand and mind. I've found recently that the one thing that helped me the most was doing word puzzles. It might sound weird but once I would start I would want to follow through and finish. Plus it can focus your mind trying to solve them. I've sat down for an hour doing puzzles before when I wanted to cut myself more than anything else, and by the time I was done the adrenaline had passed and the urge had lessened. It's never gone, but it's a lot easier to resist. But like I said, it's different for everyone and every situation. My recommendation to you would be to find something to occupy your hands and your mind. I wish you the best of luck, and I'm always here.

No I'm not in counseling...I'm scared to confront my mom and stepdad about it because I know they don't understand the whole subject of cutting. My friends don't really know about it either, but my boyfriend does. I can call him, and I do most of the time. But I have flashbacks and when that happens I kind of lose it and go to cutting to stop it, because it actually helps stop the flashback, at least for a while. And I will definitely try doing word puzzles, thanks. :)

one of the things my step daughter did was art. She would draw and distract herself or play a video game. If that didn't work, then she would come and tell me and we would sit in the living room and watch comedy movies together. NOT SAD MOVIES BECAUSE IT CAN TRIGGER YOUR SADNESS AND MAKE YOU WANT TO AGAIN. So find a funny movie and sit next to someone just till the urge passes. I really feel for you I know how hard it is to stop, seems impossible, but it will all change someday and you will outgrow it, I promise. Hang in there and I will check on you and see how your doing. I have to go to work, so will check later.