What would you do to improve this entire site or a specific support group? Or are you entirely satisfied with the help and support you receive?
This is a good question Vennum that I think deserves some thought before just posting the first thing(s) that come to mind.
I am going to give this one some good thought as to my impressions thus far.
I am still new here and it's hard to put into words for me so far,
it can be a bit overwhelming as there are so many subjects and easy to get lost here and seems that the posts go by so fast it is difficult to keep a thread going for some time on one subject or discussion.
I am not sure what it would take to change that.
but some type of continuity and separation of groups to find the relevant posts for groups you are subscribed to faster and that those posts stay around longer or easier to track.
Hope this makes sense and that others may post their thoughts on this.
I hate to have a criticism w/o a solution.
but this is just observations I have had, and again I am new as well.
I know that it is generally good advise to "keep moving" but it seems sometimes serious issues are not treated as fully because it seems at times "fleeting" and w/ recovery from drugs it is important to be able to focus every single day and have an ongoing dialogue about what is going on.
Having trouble saying this in words, hope this makes some sense.
It is a very large site and maybe that is why this happens but instead of a fleeting attempt or just to vent is one thing people may use the site for which is fine, but a ongoing diaglogue between a mentor and mentee of a certain group that is not so quick to get lost before a nother post arises and would provide some clarity and continuity.
Again, I cannot easily explain. Also I have only been on one other support group that was entirely different, so I've not much experience on these things and how they COULD work..so I'm at a loss.
It seems very free for all and easy to get lost when someone is really needing help.
easy to fall thru cracks I guess, and not be heard by right people on daily basis...
any case, that is my food for thought on that subject Vennum.