I woke up in the night and was thinking about what all has happened in the last 5 months and - more so what has taken place in the last month! It's beginning to sink in a little more each day. I had 6 lymph nodes taken out of my neck, went thru testing, had a port put in and started chemo on December 6th. Then I decided, okay, I can do this! I have a friend going thru chemo for breast cancer who is a school teacher, she still teaches in between her appts and treatments. Also, my sister-in-law is a cancer survivor, she's paraplegic and works full time. Strong role models in my life that I can look up to and it reassures me that I can do this, too! I'm going to take it a step at a time and not look at the whole picture at once. I've been feeling good and I'll try not to 'look for things to go wrong'! I've been walking on the treadmill everyday and have taken walks around the neighborhood. I'm a massage therapist and not able to work right now due to my surgeries and plus it would open me up to viruses, germs, etc. So for now, I'll do things around the house that I've been putting off. I enjoy doing genealogy research and I want to do crafts, make myself useful instead of feeling sorry for myself. Putting in my thoughts for the day. You all have a wonderful weekend! Marge :o)
Hi Medium Pumpkin-
Yes you CAN do this. And we are here to listen and understand like no one else can. Enjoy each day-even the ones that you only want to vegg. It's allowed. It's acceptable. And smile dear Medium Pumpkin.:)
Hi Geri!
Thank you for permission to vegg, I have done a bit of that and felt guilty. Today, I did laundry, took a walk and did stuff around the house, then watched a movie with my sisters. My spirits have been a little low but I felt better today. It’s like learning to walk again, I question myself on almost everything I do as if something bad is going to happen. Well, this is day 5 and I’m still kickin’ so I must be okay!!
It is hard to allow oneself to vegg, but, honestly... it's not THAT hard! :)
Next time, you will know what to expect, and be able to plan for it now that you are no longer a Chemo Virgin. I called my treatment, Spa Sessions, because it was all about me for a change.
Kept that attitude up.
LOL, Geri! I had a good laugh at the "Chemo Virgin", so true!! Also, liked the part about it being a spa session, love it and I love your positive attitude!! I feel like my old self again since my treatment on the 6th. My next one should be on the 28th. While reading thru the posts awhile back looking for info on lymphoma, etc, I saw that you are an Adam Lambert fan. I love Adam! His voice is awesome, and - true to one of the songs on his album, he 'made me want to listen to music again'. I got to see one of his concerts in Oklahoma City in August and Alison Iraheta was his opening act. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone, I'll be thinking of all of you, my new friends!! :o) Marge
Hello MargePummykin-
Yes. I admit I love Adam Lambert. I really do. In fact, I started using eyeliner again because of him. he IS incredibly talented. Lucky you to see him and Alison.
Be sure to read the posts on Prednisone Reaction because you can also join The Lymphoettes. Also, that thread has some great ideas for that Prednisone taste.
I saw some of those comments about the prednisone it was about a day after I had my first pill and had to laugh when they mentioned how bad the taste was, doesn't matter how fast you swallow it, it starts dissolving right away and the taste is horrible. I put gum in my mouth right away each time I took a pill. --My hair started falling out, had daughter cut most of it off yesterday, wearing a bandana now. Fun, fun!!!