I have known about this upcoming weekend for months. My sister is graduating from college, and my whole family has been invited to the ceremony and the celebration. I know this will be a stressful weekend (traveling, being away from home, etc) but the biggest stress factor is that my father is invited to the ceremony also. It will be the first time in 3 years that we will see each other; the last time we spoke it was me telling him I didn't want him in my life anymore. Although I am super excited to go and be with my family, the thought of seeing my father is really not sitting well with me.
As prep for this weekend, I have taken certain steps to help eliminate stress. I found a dress (two, actually) and accessories in advance so I wouldn't have to freak out while packing wondering what to take or if it looks good together. I have also been writing in my journal and talking to trusted friends about how anxious I am to be in the same space as my father. I've been talking to one of my sisters about my fears, and that's helped a bit, too. I even got the restaurant menu ahead of time so that I am not so flustered to "just pick something" the night of the family dinner.
So, I've done all these things, I've taken all these steps to minimize potential anxiety, and yet, here we are, it's Tuesday night, I leave Thursday morning, and I'm freaking out. I have been having these horrible dreams where I'm screaming at my father, kicking him, punching him, crying hysterically as I physically attack him, and all along he's just standing there unmoved. I have had really strong ED thoughts, too, thoughts telling me to eat salad for dinner, to lose 5 more pounds by Friday so no one will see my pain, thoughts telling me that if I just go to bed hungry it will all be OK in the morning. I find a way to rationalize my way out of those thoughts, but they are SO LOUD, and very persuasive.
I remember a post on here not too long ago where one of the girls was leaving for a cruise, and we were coming up with an action plan for her to use during the trip. I'm going to be doing the same sort of thing, but I'm still freaking out. I'm not sure what has me more nervous-- leaving home and being away from my house and typical pre-travel-anxiety, or the family all being together and the awkwardness that will most likely be present.
Comments are most appreciated right now, I need someone to reinforce my positive voice and take away from EDs.
Thanks for reading,