Weighed down

Weighed down...

1 Heart

What's wrong?

It's hard to explain, but isn't it all? I suppose it would be "man problems" in a nutshell. Honestly, I'm just looking for some way to distract me from going back to the same mess over and over again. I feel like I'm a "smart" person, but I don't understand why I keep answering the phone. It's like walking off a bridge over and over again, expecting that this time will be the time you fly instead of fall.

More than likely, you've been conditioned to respond to him in a certain way. There is a part of you that wants him to be better, but the other part of you knows that he is poison right?

Exactly. I guess I'm here because I tend to attract other damaged people and I just don't want to do that again this time. I feel like I can't talk to anyone I know because other people just wouldn't understand.

Most people try to relate, but unless you have been in that position before its hard to understand. Lots of people think all situations are black and white, but they aren't in relationships there is a lot of gray area. Even when someone is completely awful to you 90% of the time it is possible to bond with that other 10%. That is the part you want to believe is true, not the awful parts. Unfortunately that is not how it works. The awful things a man can do to you are just as true as the good things. How long have you known this man?