From being a very skinny size 8 5ft 6 and 9st7lbs all my life and living off my nerves - so when unhappy Id go days eating nothing but at the same time I could eat anything and never even entered my mind to even think about what I eat. It never made a difference!
Even after my first 2 children boys I was back in size 8 jeans before leaving hospital and don't get me wrong I did eat pretty much normally.
Then my 3rd child a girl I ended up being 10st7lbs.
Then my 4th child another girl I went upto 12st fully prgnant more than ever before even though all babies were 7lbs at birth. Usually the satisfaction and the thoughts that as soon as that baby arrives at least half a stone will drop off and then as breast feeding too I will return to my oldish weight - which I used to moan about 10st7lb but at this time would have been over the moon and done anything to be that.
Another 8 months past and I just got bigger and bigger nothing in my wardrobe fitted and amongst all my already very bad mental health issues this enchanced it all and more feelings! Weighing 13st10lb (as heavy as my husband)
So had numerous tests and they finally discovered I had an UNDERACTIVE THYROID and that part of my body didn't make enough of that chemical in my body anymore and I would have to go on Hormone replacement tablets which would take about a year to get to the correct levels and was a lifetime illness not curable - great just another tablet to take among the many!
Now a year on I have managed to loose and finally keep off 1st10lbs - which is great I know but none the less Its still 12st and I need to loose another 1st7lb and it takes so long even healthy eating and cutting lots of crap out and doing exercise - my matabolism is so slow still I struggle everyday with just getting dressed and feel so fat and ugly!!
Another horrible place to be - is anyone else in the same predicament?? I'd love to hear from you xx
I really can relate in the weight thing.I had 3 daughters always lost the weight rather fast.In 2004 had to have a hysterectomy.I was a size 6 at the time.I had no low self esteem or anything felt great.I never have been a big eater.I have always ate one meal a day maybe a snack.My weight strted to climb after that surgery no matter what I tried.I had to go on thyroid meds still gained more weight.They took me off but weight still climbed.The 1st of june I weighed 162.7lbs.I had never got that large even pregnant.I was miserable.My hus only weighs like 150 so he made little jokes at me that depressed me more.I went to what most call the fat doc as a last hope the 1st of june.I am now in the 2nd week of july an have lost a good bit.I take vitamin B complex vitiamins,addipex,an drink only diet green tea,or water.I have no soda or salt an limit bread an fried foods.This may not be everyones solution but it has helped me so much.I now weigh 149.0 in about 6wks.I do walk a mile or so when I can.The med has speeded up my metabolism an curbs appitite.It's well worth the money which is not much.
#I went to desperation levels a few months ago and stopped taking all my meds as thought that maybe that was part of the problem - I was extremely ill and had to go back on them after 2 weeks of being in a terrible state and I wouldn't advice anyone to try it - it's very dangerous and a bad place to be. So a litle time went by and like you the thyoid meds aren't really losing me anymore weight. So I went to the doctors again and they have given me diet tablets (fat absorbers) the only type they do nowadays - well thats an experience in itself as basically it takes 30% ish of any fat absorbed and passes it straight through you! Nice! when I say bad I mean really bad constantly passing wind very loud and smelly, constant diarhhoea, not making it to the toilet even on several occassions. Quality bird!! lol!!
You would have thought witrh all that going on that you would lose weight - well no I didn't maybe a few pounds. I'm up for a review soon and was advised it was a 3month trial and if it worked I could continue if not then it would be stopped as I wasn't actually in the category of obese where they would normally prescribe it was more the effect on my mental health that was the concern. Well I have lost 8lbs or so since I last saw her. But I havent continued to take them the last few weeks as not pleasant although if I had seen vast weight loss or continous I Very difficult when cooking for husband and four kids to stay on track.
I fluxuate between 120 and 190; anxiety screws my weight up! I asked my doctor to use caution in prescribing medications that impact my weight, so far it has been a long process and I have been struggling for over ten years.
Thamnkyou for your thoughts.
Isn't it just so devastating to your self esteem and confidence and kinds out of your control now. It wasnt something I had to think about or even try and control before. I comfort eat now which I never used to and I crave sweet fixes alot.
I also have addressed the problem with tablets and weight gain and how it is such a big issue to me in my life.
The thing is I have a different tablet for everything so my body is just sent different messages by prescribed drugs all the time and for sleep and anxiety and panic attacks and my banti-depressant - all slow down your body and your metabolism and I already have an under active thyroid. I feel like Im fighting a losing battle at the moment and it has a huge impact on my daily life!
There is hope though as I have lost some all ready I just hope it doesn't continue to be a battle for the rest of my life.
Thoughts are with you
keep posting xx