Well... just kind of snapped a little, oops, waiting to see the outcome...
ugh, what the flip, idk anymore, kind of feeling hopeless at this point.
May I ask how you snapped?
The feeling of hopelessness may be depression, although of course I'm just guessing. There's a depression group here on SG, just so you know. In fact, it's the #1 group!
You're starting to take action to deal with your problem. Setbacks are part of the process. No, it's never easy. But it can be done, and you WILL succeed if you want to.
@InMyDreams im just having a bad day and went on instagram and just kind of angrily posted and yelled at people. Not necessarily bad but at the same time… kind of blew up on people who didn’t deserve it.
Everyone snaps....don't worry about it(:
If you would like to talk....message me okay(:
@martian ill keep that in mind, thank you.
do not let those things which may not in the present be understood weary thy soul, but know that sometime, somewhere, you, too, will understand.