I almost didn't go to my appointment today. I knew i would get insulin, and my brain said, bring it on it will help, but my stubborn heart was dragging the denial anchor.
i now i have an insulin pen to use one time at night, i am to eat some protein then stick my self.
the insulin lasts 24 hours.
My questions, dear friends,
1. Should i have a schedule, such that i eat protein then stick then relax in my bed?
2. then stick about the same time the next day?
I was able to purchase the pen and the 39. box of needles. whew. i am not working and have no insurance. I was comtemplating selling my blood. Maybe i should advertize my kidney??
1. how do i store and care for the needles so i can use them a couple of times?
If i use 10 whatever amount of insulin that is, will the pen last a couple of weeks?
I thank you for your comments, just think, encourage me enough so i don't just roll over and give up.
your sweet greenpepper