What are the signs of an outbreak about to happen? I have ha

What are the signs of an outbreak about to happen? I have had some burning/itching for a few days with dishcharge. Thought it was an infection and called my dr this morning because it has gotten worse. I can't stand it and don't k ow what to do about it. And I am very sore down there now. I don't know if I was itching in my sleep or if I'm getting lesions. I have only ever had one outbreak before and the dr originally thought it was a yeast infection until I came back with an open sore. Does this sound like an outbreak? Or am I just doomed to have an angry vagina the rest of my life..

This does sound like outbreak. And no you are not doomed. There is large range of treatments you can take. Try to get some medication and take a day off. Maybe two days. Do your best to relax because stress makes it worse. Trust me. The first few outbreaks are horrible. But soon enough Herpes becomes a inconvenient skin condition that, rarely (at least for me it's rare), appears.

Sweetheart you need to go to the doctor. You need to take some time off too. It is a very draining disease. You need to get some cream for it from your Gyno and you need to be on valtrex. I know it is painful and it hurts ! I am here if you need someone to talk to :). I know there aren't many people you can turn to.

I did call the dr. Appt made for tomorrow. They think it may be a bacterial infection. I have been on valtrex daily since the day I was Dx'd. I went for a long bike ride yesterday and the dr thinks I aggravated my self. Thanks!!