Can anyone make any suggestions to me that might help me when and if I get to that dark place of bingeing and purging again? I just don't seem like I have any control over myself once my emotions have control over me..I have been trying to keep my world under control and balanced but, sometimes life just happens..No, I let it happen as I did not use my voice and communicate clear and follow through with action..Now, I suffer with the shame and guilt upon myself once again for what I did to myself today..I was doing good..I ate healthy with several meals a day..I'm on a gluten, wheat, dairy, sugar free diet and have been very successful..My problem is my emotions and when the stress gets to high I loss control..Any suggestions??
you can do a method called delay and distract ---where you delay your ED thoughts and distract by doing something you enjoy doing such as hobbies--singing , dancing, art, sports, nature--things like that...
i have some DVDs i watch when i am down and music and reading also helps me... and focusing on goals and dreams for my life....
i sometimes play the five-minute game. it is silly at times but can help. i must wait five minutes before i engage in a negative behavior and after those five minutes i tell myself i just waited 5 minutes maybe i can wait five more. and after about 15 minutes i get bored watching the clock so i start doing something while the time passes. after a bit i forgot i was even wanting to do whatever behavior it was cutting, purging, binging, etc.
it is silly it doesn't always work, but sometimes playing mind games with yourself helps. just a thought.
Thanks ladies..So these things really work for you? I will have to try...I did go out to the craft store today and get something for the holidays as I love to make candles and cards..So I will focus on that..It is hard..REALLY hard for me as I feel all alone in the transition and no one around me seems to understands..NO ONE..I feel like thy don't even like to hear what I have to say and that makes me kinda angry as they are my feeling and thoughts that drive me mad in my mind..I need to express myself..
we are here. it's not much you don't ever really see us but we are here. we do listen and for the most part understand. you are not alone.