What do I do?

I understand why people don't want to stay my friend. I see that these people are doing the healthier thing for themselves by no longer being my friend. What do I do when I have lost all of those who I had a chance of seeing in person?

I am so sorry to hear you talk that way about yourself. I understand what you say though because I've felt that way a lot. The only thing I know to do is reach back out to them. Sometimes we can act like nothing happened, or the break let us forget what I did, or I open up and explain why I act out and that I'm sorry and I miss them.

I tried explaining myself and got told that not only am I not a friend but that I should never again try to be an acquaintance to them or any of their friends.

wow that's just... bull****. It sounds like they were doing you a favor instead since only a fucking piece of **** friend would say something like that. Is there anyone else you feel you could reach out to? Or any groups or clubs you can join?

Are you sure that they didn't want to be your friend? Are you sure that they didn't want you to be friends with other people? I can't imagine someone would tell you not to be friends with other people. Then again maybe that is just me. I would NEVER tell someone to not be friends with other people. That is just rude. Maybe talk to the other people. Maybe they do not feel the same way as the other person. You never know unless you try. I wish you lots of luck.

I tried talking to the other people and things were made clear to me. I still have a couple friends who I talk to between our monthly Bunco but I am very worried about saying/doing the wrong thing and loosing them also. Bunco is the only time I get to socialize with people other than family in person now.

I feel for you so much. Most everyone I know has dropped me as well and the ones who haven't- they live hundreds of miles away and we speak only a couple times a year or they did drop me for a while. Also I feel resentment because I am of so little importance to them but we are supposed to be friends. I know that it is very hard having so few people to socialize with, but how do you feel it is going with the people you do see right now?

Hello Tools,
I read your first post inreference to friends,,,I 've always been taught and endorse that "true" friendships are unconditional and non-judgemental.It seems your friends may be "fair weather friends" when the going gets tuff their gone. they should b supportive of you and except you for who you are! Friendships with conditions are'nt worth having and them cutting ties with you is a no loss to you.Maybe you should look into other areas of interest to establish new relationships, I don't know if your a Christian but , a church would be a great start, the people their are accepting ofyou with all your faults and short- comings you may also find the inner peace you need.Good luck in your journey..never give up on yourself their is always someone out there waitn to become your true friend!

I do have some true friends but they are people I can not get together in person with. I really need to find some I can do things with.

I've gone through the same type situations. I think I learned that I can't drain people with my issues, emotional ups and downs. It is a lot to put on people. When I know I am going through an episode or feel depressed or hopeless, I express it to my friends, but I always end it by letting them know I really appreciate them allowing me to be real and to get whatever it is off my chest. It took years for me to learn that I will never be able to run around searching for answers to fill those random voids. I am a Christian, and realize the only void filler is GOD. When Life is spiraling down hill every other day or every other hour, others around us can only take it for so long......I try and be alone during those times. I try and re-group, get fresh air, go lay in my bed, or if I am working in the field (sales) I try to push myself to make one more office visit and it usually takes my mind off myself. True friendships are a two-way street, so when you are feeling good and healthy, try and reach out to your special/close friends and let them know how much you appreciate and care for them.....and ask them what is going on in their world/life.

Hope this helps. I don't have all the answers. I just know what I know from my own dark experiences, grasping for straws and having anxiety attacks in random places........XO

Honey, if they're treating you like that, then you don't deserve them. You tried your hardest and did everything you could, but apparently that wasn't good enough for them. I would advice joining a club of some sort, you could meet new people in your area, and hopefully strike up a friendship or two. I know right now it's difficult, but things DO get better, I promise. Sending a hug :)

I went to my Bunco group last Friday but I am not sure how much longer that will last. I often feel so alone while there.