I think my marriage has reached it's end. 5 years, 10 months and 24 days today.
Up and down, up and down, that is all my marriage is. I know this is considered "normal" but THIS is not. I can't do it any more and I need help getting OUT. Any pointers?
what is the reason for you to be saying you can't do it anymore, is there abuse or anything like that in your relationship? This is a hard one for me as im a christian and i can't just say DIvorce straight away. Maybe you could work on it? make it a bit more better, Try doing new things with your husband, try to make best friends with your husband, I know it sounds silly but think, it will be more fun and i can see at the moment that your probably getting a bit bored of the same routine of ups and downs. Try and change that routine. Hope this helps x