What have you found to help stop binging?
Journaling and planning ahead of what you are going to eat
not dieting
Thanks, I need supporters! I don't want to get back on the diets roller coaster
@gaili me too, we can do it. we are capable. positive thoughts that’s my goal. thoughts become things. take it day by day
I'm working with a therapist to try and deconstruct my desire to eat when I'm not hungry. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't have a problem.
@Afei I’m currently basing my self-directed program on a book called, OVERCOMING Binge Eating by Dr. Christopher Fairburn. In his book, he states that daily planning of the approximate times for eating meals/snacks is the most important thing we can do for ourselves as when we keep such schedules, we develop positive eating habits and help to eliminate a lot of emotional eating. Good luck to you!
I just bought that same book last night. I hope it helps. I have used a food journal before but get bored and never seem to be able to stick with it. I think I need some ideas to distract myself when an urge to binge happens.
@bugfixr Please read the book before beginning this six stage program. Your first stage will be establishing a food journal habit. Only when you feel ready, stage 2 involves daily planning for all meals/snacks. It will be in stage 3 when Dr. Fairburn will introduce dealing with binge urges so simply follow his plan. Just a hint for the future: Following the book’s advice, I’ve prepared a list of “pleasurable” alternatives for when I have a binge urge. When an urge occurs, I review my list of alternate activities, choose an activity and do it until at least the urge fades. I’ve also reviewed the work of B.J. Fogg and the “Fogg Method.” As a result, I use his recommendation of establishing as “anchor” for making positive change. This works quite well with Fairburn’s prescription for overcoming binge eating. For example, I use my first bite of any food as an anchor. As soon as I have my first bite in my mouth, I immediately enter the food/meal or beverage in my journal with specifics of time, food/beverage, location, (*) if a binge, (P) for purge and any appropriate remarks. I follow up with a two part self congratulation to speed up my new habit learning process. One part is physical such as thumbs up or any other physical form of celebration along with a verbal self congratulation such as “You’re the man,” Whose your Daddy?" or just “Way to go.” The “OVERCOMING BINGE READING” book has helped me a lot, however, the first time I read it, I felt it was too dry for me. Stick with it!
I've been traveling for the last two years and gained quite a bit of unnecessary weight. I've tried food journaling as well and get bored after a few days. Actually, I do notice a habit when I food journal...... I would usually write down what I eat and do well for a few days, but the moment I eat something bad, I stop food journaling...Hrmmmm anyone else have this problem?
@whyfoodwhy What you’re talking about is your motivation begins to fade and when that happens, it’s normal to start sliding for any task. Recommend rededication to your journal but this time add some recommendations from a social scientist named B. J. Fogg. Establish an anchor for your journal entries. I chose the first bite into anything I eat or swallow (if a beverage.) Upon first having the food/drink enter your mouth, immediately make your food journal entry. Follow-up with some self congratulation to strengthen your new good habit. As mentioned previously, I use a two part form of self congratulation: A physical element as simple as a thumbs up, a silent applause or whatever. Attached to the physical celebration, add a verbal message such as I’m an all star! or “Way to go.” When you’ve repeated the above for about five times, you’ll be a long way towards establishing a good habit to sustain your journal work even when your motivation fades… Good luck!
That's great advice. Thank you. I'll give that book a read. I don't know why, but I feel a bit embarrassed to be carrying a food journal with me. I'm in Tasmania, Australia at the moment living with a community full of foodies and wine lovers! It's been an amazing journey, but my goodness I've been eating to the point of wanting to puke, because I MUST TRY EVERYTHING. Not always fun. Anyways, my goal is to allow myself to eat whatever I want today, but in small portions. I've also decided to replace my wine with a herbal tea. Thanks for all the tips everyone !