What is your phobia

I was wondering what are peoples phobias on here, do you have a sever phobia or a mild. Phobia? Does it get it the way of your life or doing things.


I have a few. I have a fear of flying, airplanes when they are in flight, the dark, drowning, being around too many people, speaking in front of others, and heights.

I have several fears and one actual diagnosed phobia. My fears include heights, flying, spiders, drowning, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, the Earth being struck by a comet, the dark, mirrors at night, lakes at night, zombies and dinosaurs (yes, I know, but I am REALLY afraid that someday there will really be zombies or we will find a way to clone dinosaurs and we won't be prepared for the results).

My actual phobia is agoraphobia- specifically in regards to social situations. Yes, this very much gets in the way of my life because I always have to ask "how many people will be there?" before agreeing to do anything with friends. I don't like to go out much because I am afraid I will get hurt by someone and every time I force myself to go somewhere with a lot of people I get really anxious and want to cry. If I feel like I'm trapped I may even have a panic attack. I don't like meeting new people and I don't like being in situations where I'm supposed to tell other people about myself. I don't like people to know anything about me and I often wish I was invisible in order to make everyone forget I'm around (especially if there are too many people around me). The only place I feel comfortable is in my apartment and I can't even really say I feel safe there because I never know if there will be a break-in or if someone will see me through a window and shoot me. I don't even live in a high-crime area. I've just watched WAY too much TV and assume there are people out there that want to hurt me or kill me.

I guess I would only say it's sort of moderate because I will still go out in public, I just go out of my way to avoid certain situations. Maybe I'm in denial though. :-)

Thanks for sharing your phobia's I have a phobia of all bugs/insects. I too avoid going or making a reason of why I can't go if there will be bugs/insects around. Sometimes I go to houses, like my cousins house, and I have seen many bugs in his house and now I just don't go there, and if I have to go there cuz my whole family is going if I see a bug I will not go to sleep, and I always have certain rituals that I do before I go to bed to make sure there is no bugs, every time I enter a room I scan the room for bugs, and if I see a bug I will either ask someone to kill it or I will stand someplace where I am more comfortable and keep my eye on it to make sure it isn't coming by me. It just so hard cuz I have a godson that is 5 and he lives in another state then me and I don go and see him that much cuz I have seen bugs in his house and I just feel like this horrible person cuz of it. I also have a fear of the dark, and won't go out in the dark unless someone is with me. I also have a fear of someone coming in my house and shooting me or something, I watch to many horror movies. Thanks for sharing yours it's nice to know other people have phobias too. You know?


It seems like some phobias are reasonable - I am not that coordinated so I am glad to stay away from a dangerous edge with no railing. I have no fear at all looking out an airplane window, but have a terrible time trying to walk on a roof near an edge. I'm just not sure that all phobias are bad.

I have my own theories about fear of speaking in large groups too, and I have not heard anyone else say this, but maybe it's a common idea. We all have filters on what we say, and those filters are based on who we are talking to. We avoid speaking about things we think could be taken offensively or misunderstood. We might share our love of a beatiful scene with someone more refined (or innocent), and say something worldly or clever to a different person. Baby talk to a two-year-old and something philosophical and reflective to an elderly person. With two or three people it can be harder but you can still talk to a handful of people with all filters running just fine. But in front of too many at once it's overload. You can't stand there going through every filter for five minutes until you have something acceptable to say. You "freeze", you have no idea why, and you re-focus on the fact you're frozen and cannot return to the topic. Or you have an over-riding desperation screaming "say something" so you say something but don't feel at all confident about it.

Anyway, maybe I am wrong, but that's my theory.

Saw a great site that lists dozens of oddball phobias, kind of fun to go through them all. Made me feel better about the ones I have. http://www.changethatsrightnow.com/phobias/
and not all just for fun, some serious help and techniques there too. :)

I get scared of answering my phone when it rings, and meeting new people, big crowds, being noticed and looked at with too many in a group, people judging me, handing out resumes and generally being open about myself due to my ADHD social phobia, depression and the fact I'm spirutal :( contradictive combo!

I cannot talk in front of a group of people, I go into a panic attack and loose my voice. I used to be a manager for walmart and my boss thought it was funny to see me panic he would give me things to address in the morning meeting and watch me fail in front of our employees.

My phobia is drving. I dont really know why but i get very nervous when i drive-and its gotten so bad i dont drive anymore. I have my driver's liscense but dont drive. I've never been in a bad car accident so i dont get myself. My goal for myself is to get over my phobia-and bc ok w. driving. I kinda have to drive this yr--so that is my encouragement. I think my phobia is severe since it prevents me from doing it-and limits my life.

My phobia is vomiting. It limits my daily lifes!

My phobia is elevators-dont know why but they freak me out-if i can i take stairs. i also dont like highways but trying to get over that phobia.

I know this is late, but still:
I cannot be left alone. I freak out and my anxiety soars. I can never be left alone at home, even. No where. There has to be some human with me. I cant even take a shower like I used to. I am constantly peeking my head out of the shower curtain, I cant help it, and I cant take a shower with the door closed, or if my grandma is not in the room next to the bathroom. As much as I hate to admit it, now I even hurry using the bathroom. I still close the door, but I hurry, always, cuz I'm scared.
I'm also afraid of the dark, very, very, much, but not as much as being left alone.

Hmmm never really had a phobia I guess until I went to the shooting range not that long ago with my man. I have never been so scared of anything that way in my life! I was nearly to tears and wanted to leave right away. The sound of gun shots even with earphones on indoors just frightens the hell out of me. And even thinking of the slight possibility of an accident of someone or I getting shot just terrifies me. My man wanted to teach me how to shoot but I couldn't near the gun or even hold it.
I think the whole reason why of my fear of guns is because of my past with when I used to hang out with the wrong crowd. Gang members and drug dealers that I knew probably owned a gun. The thought behind the reason why they had it terrified me. How I used to walk the streets in the wrong neighborhoods I am glad that nothing horrible happened to me. I see on the news of shootings happening all the time here in Milwaukee, WI. Now which is weird I am actually all for the new conceal and carry law here in WI. But for myself I could not even touch a gun unless I really needed to if it was to save my life or someone else's. But for me to protect myself or my family I should learn to handle a gun properly. Maybe some day I will conquer my fear.
Never really talked about this to anyone.