What makes a codepent ? i am VERY relient on my partner and

what makes a codepent ? i am VERY relient on my partner and unable to work / think or do much for myse4lf does this make me codependent ?

You are codependent if you are living in a relationship where one partner has all the power. Is your partner unemployed, addicted, mentally unstable, abusive? Do they need you for some reason? Codependents are drawn to needy people. They believe themselves to be martyrs...giving their all for love. The truth is, they go to these relationships because they get a sense of control from "helping". If they're needed then they can be in control. Does that describe you?

oh no got the understanding a bit wrong then thank you

not sure will have to look in to that more , he is not at all controlling though

I agree with Ariel he is codependant