Thanks for all your responses. Thanks Amy for your words.
Emmaline, it's such a good point you make. My family know but they say nothing so i think its okay. They leave me to it and i get on with it. I am not sure how i would react to being challenged. Truth is, i want to be left to my own devices.
Today, i was reminded that the day after the night before is always the most difficult time for me. Not the meal itself.
Yesterday, i turned to behaviours once and so far today, twice. I hate the feeling i get the day after eating anything half decent. I feel full even though i know in my head the i cannot still be full from the night before since the food must have digested. But, i hate that feeling so i want the emptiness to return and the only way is purging for me. Not even exercise makes me feel empty again.
Today fell apart cos i delayed eating cos i had an appointment this morning which took longer than it should have and then i let that be an excuse for my indecisiveness and then i saw it all falling apart and i got overwhelmed by all that i need to do these days just to keep my body in check (re: hypokalaemia and supplements) and i just got scared with what can happen if i continue purging but then i can't stop totally at the moment and it all feels too overwhelming and calm only returned after purging.
Tragic, i know but i guess no one else will be to blame should anything happen to me. Hmmm.
Sorry. Wish i had better news to report.
Jen, i cannot commit to a meal plan at the moment, such is the strength of the purging and it seems that i am triggered by just drinking fluids even. It really is a mental thing for me at the moment. When i feel calm, i can sometimes manage something. When i am overwhelmed, i cannot. I know there is no can and cannot but that is kind of my world. The way things are working in my world. Not purging is not an option for me at the moment. There was a time when it wasn't but i am so far removed from that place at the moment. I am still caught up in the cycle. I know that i have made progress in the last week in terms of reducing number of b/p episodes, spending less money on it, not giving the ed all it wants when bingeing. Eating foods that i would prefer not to (only for the sake of my potassium levels). Small steps but that will have to do for the moment until i can make bigger ones. I do know that a meal plan works wonders for people but i wonder how it works for people when purging is such a big part of the disorder?? Especially if you are not in a treatment setting????
Amy, you have offered a lot. What i hear you saying is that you want a lot for your life. More than the ED. You want the big things to matter and not the small things (which the ed gets us to focus on). The question is how do we turn desire into something stronger. Like do we really want the things we say we want? Or do we wish that we really wanted those things?? Does that make sense. Like is my desire for kids and a family greater, in this moment, than my desire to binge and purge? Or is it that i am unable to reduce the power of my short term desires (to feel empty etc) and increase the attractiveness of my long term desires???
American Beauty, loneliness is such a strange thing. I once heard a man say that the person who eats alone, dies alone. I kinda reckon this is true. Food it seems is about companionship and sharing and all those other things which the ED is not about. Like the 2 are incompatable and the more we eat alone, the more we are alone with this ED. But yes, i often feel like when i am alone, i have to eat safe foods cos i do not trust myself with the foods that i could eat with others, when i am busy pretending to be normal and not purging or bingeing.
Lots to think about.
Thank you for your contributions ladies.