The title is the question I continue to ask myself when certain events occur.....losing friends, money, dropping out of school, broken relationships, isolation, loneliness, unhappiness.....How much am I willing to sacrifice so that I can keep my eating disorder. Well, today my boyfriend and I have broken eating disorder was too much. I've been depressed, hopeless, and all I did was bring him down with my negativity. I'm not too sad about ending the relationship, because I was really only with him because I didn't want to be alone....It's just the realization of the person I have become that gets to me. I neglected to do a paper and so I got a 0/50....Does my eating disorder that beneficial to me that I must make so many sacrifices. No.
I can't live like this anymore.....I'm ready to move on with my life. I'm just looking for things that have REALLY helped you in the past with overcoming urges/staying on the road to recovery/not giving up. I love quotes and things that are super inspirational. Books? My first post here was "where do I find motivation?" and your comments were sooooo helpful. I want to try and incorporated this website into my life, to remind myself daily of what I'm striving for.
Hey sweetie,
I am sorry for the break up hunny. Take some time out to mourn and don't worry about the future and relationships because - what's for you, won't pass you.
Sweetie are you in therapy? I have suffered with eating issues and an ED for the past 12 years of my life, and it wasn't until I started therapy over 6mths ago that finally felt like I was getting my life back. I had so desperately wanted it back for years but could never get that grasp but the difference therapy has made, is unreal. Please don't do like I did and keep putting it off.
Also if you love inspirational quotes you should check out the daily love on twitter.
Love to you hun
Moongal x
Hi...I agree with MG that seeing a therapist is critical in order to move forward to be free from this! I also am sorry for this break-up, but an ED often separates people from the people/things that they love. It's NOT YOUR fault, but you can be proactive to find help!
We often see (in our treatment center), that the things that people hold onto to excuse taking time for treatment, is often the thing they lose first...this can be school, family, their own life. Please do something now! You deserve it!
Jan ♥
Thank you for your advice about therapy....Since I was with him, I stopped going and kept using him as an outlet to avoid facing my problems. I have finally spoken to my therapist and we set up a time where I will meet with her weekly. I really felt that therapy wasnt getting me anywhere, but I don't think I put in much time and effort in it hoping to change.
I just wanted to stop by and wish you well. A friend of mine is in recovery now for hers and I witnessed a bit of what she was going thru. I know it's an exhausting disease. One day at a time. All the best in your days/weeks/months to come.
Hello, I really understand where you are coming from. Every day when I cave in to my bulimia, in the back of my mind all I can think is "Is this really worth it? What am I really proving?" And it always comes back to No it's not worth it and I'm not proving anything. It's almost as if we could have this amazing life filled with happiness and love, and yet we give into the Eating Disoder which prevents us from coming anywhere near to the life we truly deserve. I am really sorry about the breakup, and I am right there with you on wanting to get rid of this disease once and for all! I have made several steps forward but continue to take several steps back. If you ever would like to talk, please let me know, because it seems that we are sharing a very similar story.
Wishing you the best :)