What to do

I joined this site yesterday and I am hesitant to write. Not because I don't have a story, but because I feel that everybody elses problems are more important. I am telling myself that it is ok to share and that my story matters too. So here I go with great anxiety!!

I am a mom of 2 little kids, a wife of 9+yrs and I am 33 yrs old (although in my head I am much younger:)). I remember being in kindergarten and feeling bigger than the other kids, but looking at pictures I now realise that I wasn't. I remember being told not to have that 2nd helping at meals and being compared in size to my cousins. I remember watching my parents dieting before vacations to look good in bathing suits, or their fad diets before reunions or weddings. There was a constant talk about size in my house. (When we visit now, weight and food is still the number 1 topic in that house!) I was always self conscious about my size!

When I was 16 I was babysitting at a neighbors house. I was eating lunch with the kids (it's funny, but I actually remember the food), afterwards was the first time I was panicky about the food that was consumed. I remember rushing the kids to their naps and for the 1st time purging. I remember feeling confused about what I did, but I was exhilerated and in control. For the first and last time I was in total control!! From there the binges, the purges, the restricting, the laxatives, the pills and whatever else you can think of to lose became extreme. My mom asked me twice if I was bulimic. Once when she found me purging and once when a friend of mine told her. Of course, I denied it! I was afraid of getting in trouble (funny to think of that now). My brother was also bulimic and anorexic due to being a wrestler, but that was never discussed but accepted due to having to make weight for the team.

I never got thin enough, and I never felt comfortable with who I was. When it came time for college I allowed my parents to talk me out of my dream and to go to a community college, because they did not want me moving away! So I have a degree, but not in what I want.

Early into the relationship with my husband he knew of the Eating disorder, but once it was brought up it was never discussed again. He refuses to talk about it! I have stopped 2 times in my life and that was while I was pregnant. By that I mean every day. I still counted calories and had an occational purge, but overall that was the happiest and healthiest I have ever been.

Currently, I have purged one time in eight months. But, that was last month and since then that voice (that stupid ED voice) is back and stronger than ever! I am counting calories, exercising at extremes, and not swallowing all food that is chewed. I need to get healthy for my son and daughter. I need to be a better role model for them, than I had with body image and food.

My husband feels that if the ED is not talked about then it is not a problem. I did try twice talking to him about it in the last month, but the subject was changed. I do have 1 friend that I discuss stuff with and he is mad right now, because I told him that I will go to counseling soon. Soon meaning after I lose more weight, because I do not want her to laugh me out of the office. I do not feel thin enough to ask for help yet! The disorder is not at the extreme that it was, so I am ok. Right?

This is where I am now and I do not know what to do. I am sorry that I wrote a short novel. But, I appreciate you taking the time to read this and to offer any advice that you have. Thanks!

Welcome Smurfette,
First off let me tell you...ED's do not look a certain way or weigh a certain amount of weight. I know this first hand. By appearances, I look 'normal'. I think I'm grossly overweight but in reality I am considered 'normal'. I do not look sickly or extremely thin...but I suffer the demons of an eating disorder everyday of my life. So as far as not being thin enough to seek help....thats just an excuse, no one will laugh at you and any credible doctor will know that eating disorders do NOT look one way or another. The media and our general perception is that they do, but its very wrong.

You know how life consuming an ED can be as you described you have battled one for a long time...wouldnt it be a relief to talk to someone (a professional) who truly understands?

As far as it not existing to your husband as long as its not spoken about, unfortunately, for a lot of people, ignorance is bliss...a lot of people, infact most people, do not know how to deal with an ED. The fact is, its a disease, and needs to be treated as one.

This was a goof first step, joining this site, you will find many useful posts and lots of supportive people, but please keep in mind seeking out the help of a professional is an absolute must; you wouldnt try to self treat any other type of disease, so why try to do so with an ED?

Thinking of you <3

Hey Smurfette, thanks for sharing your story, it just shows how all consuming ED can be.
As Gina said, nobody looks a certain way. i guess somehow we all aspire to 'look' anorexic because then at least people believe that there is a problem, it is obvious and we dont just make it all up. but i always found that the secrecy of it all, if anorexia or bulimia, is one of the worst things about it, it pulls you into it even more.

so you better start fighting those demon now before it gets you back to where you were (sorry to be literal) spending more time on/over the toilet than maybe with your kids!!

it's horrible that your hubby simply ignores your illness. mine certainly doesn't understand it (which i don't expect) and it does cause tons of arguments but when i need him he's there for me. somehow your hubby needs to be convinced of the severity of this condition, if not for himself and for your relationship, then at least for your kids.

when you told him first, what did you say and how did he react?

keep posting here :-)


welcome to support groups smurfette!!!!! dont ever feel yo dont belong here!!!!!!!


Talking to others about the ED has never been easy for me. So to talk to a specialist scares me, because this part of my life is secret to all but a handful of people. I am always worried about being judged and worry that the person will think less of me. I know, I know I am reading what I write and it does sound ridiculous.

Regarding my husband, about 3 wks ago I said to him that "I am having problems with food again". Nothing was said except "really hmmmm". So a couple days after that I mentioned that "I don't understand why you won't talk to me about this" and his response was "I thought we already talked about that". That was it and that was 2 weeks ago already.

It is frustrating because I feel alone in this. The one person that I have confided in is dealing with a divorce, so I do not like to bring up my issues. I am glad that I found this site, because it is nice discussing this with people who are understanding in this area and dont judge.

I appreciate all of you!

Hey there !

Be proud of yourself by having so much control until now !

You were strong enough to make it so far ! relapse could happen suddently when u less expect !

Have u identify what made u go back to ED again ?

Was it just because u dont feel thin enough ... or there are other problems that it s hard for u to face ?

For the beggining try not to cut your food intake .. from my experience .... that s the first thing that leads to ED !
Counting calories ... I still do it also ... I have no idea how we can ever eat smth without asking ourselfs how many calories it has ... or if it is safe or not ....

It s really not ridiculos ... if others are to ''busy'' looking for us ... here we are all going through same thing !

Keep your head up !

Hello and Welcome,

Thank you for sharing your story. I can relate to your feeling that you are not thin enough to get help. I felt like that everyday for years but the more I work at recovery the less I feel that way, because I realize that it is my ed telling me that I am not thin enough to get help so that I stay sick. Eds come in every shape and size. This is a great support group. It is safe to share and be yourself here. The hardest but best thing to do is to seek help from a therapist. You are amking some huge first steps by coming here and wanting to get better. It is great that you want to get better for your kids but you also need to get better for yourself too because you are important and special. Sometimes it is easier for our loved ones to deny the problem than deal with it because they are scared or dont understand. Please keep sharing and and try to set up an appointment to see a therapist. You are worth it to get help. You are not alone and we are all here for you. Nicole

Hi all,

Thanks for the support!

I realise that during the last couple months the ED voice was still there, even though I wasn't acting on it. I was still counting calories and weighing myself excessively during that time. What changed was...when I was no longer able to breast feed my daughter I chose to lose the weight, since I no longer had to eat extra for her milk.

I did look into a therapist that deals with eating disorders in the area and the closest one is an hour away! I was hoping that since the last time I looked for one 2+ yrs ago, that there would be some closer. But with 2 small kids that is impossible. Do you guys have any ideas on other ways of support?

Last night I got the kids to bed later than usual and my dog who has been sick had an accident on the carpet, so by the time I started exercising it was 10pm. I told myself I wouldn't do the entire time I normally do, because it was soooooo late. But then the guilt took over and seeing the calories not burned, I had to finish. Starting to realise that I am quickly losing control. Wow that is very hard to admit!

admitting is the first step! sound like a line, but hey, it's true because most importantly you're admitting it to yourself!

other than a therapist is there possibly any groups nearby? or even just a nutritionist to keep the food side a bit supervised? otherwise, possibly any online CBT?
just gonna try some programme here in England (Living life to the full). it's more about skills training but at least something that might challenge all the negative thoughts. ask your doc if they offer anything like that!
