Whats the difference?

Have serious question as its driving me question. What is the difference between healthy nutritious eating and restrictions? I have begun going up in weight however I know that if I try and diet it won't work but my doctor is begging me to please eat more nutritiously which lead me to some very serious overeating and drinking this holiday. today i was really satisfied but still overate. i know that i am eating very well but something just keeps telling me eat this or that.
can i really eat nutritious and not feel that im restricting myself? i have to settle this because it is hurting my body and my health.
on the positive side though this is the final boulder in my road to success i just know it and i can see where im going to succeed all of the time
thanks for listening

hi browngirl, first of all well done for trying so hard and sticking with it. it's good to know that it can be done if we only accept the possible struggles that come with recovering.

nutritious eating to me personally and professionally is a well balanced food intake (not gonna say diet) incorporating the right levels of carbs, protein and fats. a lot of fresh foods so that you cover at least 5-a-day (preerably more). unprocessed foods for the main part. having enough fibre and other micro nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. watching your salt intake. and very important, especially for us with EDs, having the odd 'bad food' treat.

i think your doctor should have made sure that you know what he means. have you ever been seen by a dietician? if you want you can email you and help you a bit more with it on detail (im not a nutritionist but a PT and theoretically know my stuff).

hope you'll have a great day!


that is just what i needed. she wanted me to go back on a very popular weight loss plan to get back to my weight that i was about 9 mos ago before i sought treatment. my therapist and i have been working on so many things and im just now now purging anymore so i want to keep going. i didn't go to a dietician because i was afraid they will want me to go on a diet. yes my health is not as optimum as it was (if you go by weight) but psychologically and spiritually im healthier now than when i was at my smallest :)

i agree with the dietician thing and diets. if anything you would need someone who has dealt with EDs before.

i hope you are very very proud of yourself for not purging anymore, that's just brilliant. and you are right, hod on to your mental health cause it will get you through whatever may come in order to find the right physical balance too.

i forgot to say one thing: nutritious vs. restriciting is as well the basis of covering your calorific needs, meaning providing your body at least with what it needs to keep running. oh, and don't forget good fluid intake, very important!!

let me know if you need anything else...

Very interesting question browngal, and congrats on comming so very far :)
@Maedi, great answer oh holy one!

thanks for another smile on my face gina!! :-) you're my favorite cheerleader!!!!!