Whats wrong?

I keep having these thoughts about suicide and there not even at like my most depreast moments ill just be sittin in my room readin a book and suddenly ill think what if i took my pin and stabbed my self till i bled to death or ill suddenly think about feeling the air leave me body for the last time .and i also have some major depression probloms at least i think i dont really know but i just feel very scared and useless and sad and yeah you getit but like right now im fine maybe evn great i can barely remember why i was sad .but at those times ive put knives to my skkin and ropes around my neck even got a bunch of pills together but i always cant do it and then i hate myself more i just dont understand why half the time im a happy person and others im ready to kill myself ...do these thoughts mean i should do it?

poptartz, if your not, you should be under the care of a doctor. have you been diagnosed with an illness or condition?

incase if emergency a visit to your local emergeny room or at least try calling

suicidehotlines.com or 1-800-273-8255

The thoughts mean you are depressed like me. I put a knife to my wrist too. I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. My shrink has me on so many pills I can't think straight sometimes, just numb.


brad is it possible to get a second or third opinion on your diagnosis? i am a firm believer that there are some docs out there that get come kinda monies or kickbacks if you will for the more pills they dish out. my mom as on 12 different meds all head medication which i believe led to her death. can’t hurt to check it out brad…you served our military, was a social worker for years and it just does’nt seem right that you are feeling so poorly about life…some meds don’t help and can make some conditions worse. we know our bodies more than anyone else does and we should have a say so as to what happens to it and what goes into it.

You asking if you should clearly shows you know the answer is not to do it.

Giving up is never the answer.
Sometimes death becomes an obsession that consumes your every thought. But it is never the answer. Take a deep breath and hold on to the hope that you can overcome this, that life will get better.

I've once heard that hell is your worse fears amplified. If this life is hard, could you imagine the possibility of one even worse for eternity.

You should try finding a good psychiatrist that can assist you in overcoming this permanently.

no im kinda young i dont have help im scared they will think im crazy so i dont wanna tell anyone that some times i think about killing myself but i cant help it im scared that if i ask for help theyll turn me away and then killing myselfwill be the only awnser .so no i have not been diagnosed with anything i wouldnt even know who to go to .and would i be about to go to a phychiatrist without my family finding out .


Hi, i think you should first go to your doctor and tell him that you would like to see a theripist. when you are with the therapist you will have an opportunity to share your concerns and work thru them. I have been in many therapies and i have not been honest in any of the therapies. I have been honest, i just have left the most distressing things out. What happened? Nothing was achieved. I took comfort in having someone to see how i am every week, but recently i have come to my sences - i need to say exactly what i go thru. I have a lot of stuff, and more, going on for me right now. One thing is that of needing to discuss suicide with my therapist. I am like you, i will get uges and they can come out of nowhere and be really strong. One thing that i know helps me is to engage in something that takes you full concentration. I need to get out of the vicious cycle of thoughts, that for me only get stronger if i have no coping mechanisms. As of now, i dont have much but i know that when i get around to specking with my therapist about this i will develop coping mechanisms - and you can too.

Be careful and be gentle with yourself. But i think you need to get a therapist and discuss this subject as i do too and am working on it!

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! ONE DAY!!!!!!!! omg thank you so very much without you i really dont know what might have happen to me okay if i go to my doctor do i HAVE to TELL him WHY i want to see a theripist because id really rather not have anyone know i already told my best friend and she took it as a joke i just wanna seem normal ANOTHOR THING what will it costs ?????? very important

Let me just tell you, you are not crazy. A lot of people, especially young people, have suicidal thoughts. I'm really sorry your best friend doesn't take this seriously, maybe because you have a sense of humor she really thought or hoped it was a joke, because it scared her too much to think of losing you. It is normal to have these thoughts and if you believe you may act on them, it is very important that you have help. Tell your doctor you'd like a low-cost therapist for depression (depression is what leads to suicidal thoughts) if you don't want to tell your doctor that you are already having suicidal thoughts, but the more people you tell the greater chances of you getting the help you need. There is often low cost or even free counseling services available through churches and other places of worship, spiritual centers and places like that. There are also free hotlines. I googled and came up with 1-800-273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. There are hotlines especially for teens: 1-800-999-9999. Just know, you are never alone. You could find a support friend to help you here too. I would even be your support friend, just because I love poptarts, and I got over depression and suicidal thoughts myself. Let me know how it goes. :)


I dont know where you live and what the cost of living is for where you are. I have a medical card so that my doctors appointments are free. I dont know how much your doc will cost you. Can you ask one of you family members how much it is? You should be honest with your doctor to what you go thru. However, saying that i dont tell him what goes on. He knows i suffer from anxiety and depression and doesnt know anything else of what i go thru. If you want, you can tell him your experienceing intrusive thoughts. These are unwanted thoughts that cause you anxiety and distress. But for us the thoughts turn into urges so i dont know if thats exactly what there called! Plus he may ask what are the thoughts, to which you can say id rather not tell you. But to keep things simpler, all you can say is you need to see a theripst. See doctors are very fast to hand out meds. I needs meds and see a psychairtrist for this. You may needs meds also, but only your doctor and you can determine that. So it is best to be fully honest with him that you have distressing thoughts but you dont have to say exactly what the thoughts are. Your doc can point you in the direction of a theripst.

Again, i dont know what the cost of living is like coz i dont know where you are from. But you can ask your doctor for contacts to low/reduced cost counselling/therapy. I know i am going into more therapy (conjoined with what im in) which my psychairtrist refered me to and coz where i live, i am included in some community thing so i get it free. You can check this out also. when you see your doc, you can discuss with him this. and dont worry, this is nothing new to a doctor, so dont feel weak, know that this is something you are doing that is making you a stronger person.

I know you said you are young, will your parents be able to support you with money for what you need?

And something i have only just learned is that - we are normal, were not mad. We get these thoughts coz we go thru alot. The world can be a messed up place and its difficult to see the sun in the sky, coz we focus on the clouds around it. I hope for me and you when we can open up to people the clouds will clear and the sum will beam!!!

i hate to say this cause you might think it strange but my life really isnt that bad my dad left when i was eight but has tried to stay around i just hate him for havin parasite syndrome so i cant stand him he ruins everthing he touches like mytis but bad lol srry um anyway and all was mainly okay i only kinda thought about suicide but then we moved and i was home school on the internet so i was all alone and then the thoughts got bad so i really dont know whats wrong with me!!

Your life doesnt have to be bad, it doesnt matter about your life, what matters is that we feel like this sometimes, even alot at that.

I find that after a while when iv spent time on my own my mind is my own worst enemy. You and i need coping mechanisms.

So whats your plan to get help?