For many people to get to the point where they decide to get help for their alcohol or drug problems, they have to reach a low point in their lives, sometimes called "hitting bottom." There are as many low points as there are alcoholics and addicts, but for many it's the place where recovery began.
Many alcoholics and addicts talk about "hitting bottom" before they decided to reach out for help. Please share with others here what it was like for you at your lowest point, what happened and what it's like now.
My "bottom" was just lastnight after coming to a realization that o may lose all of whom I care about and all the things that I may sacrifice, just wanting to get the temporary high of alcohol. I've thought this thru and thru! Many times. But the craving for alcohol overwhelmed me. My wife has threatened to leave me to many times to count. All the while staying with me. After being separated for almost a year. I've been risking losing her again. Of course I drank again yesterday while working and turned into jekel and Hyde. I am not going to or want to hurt my family again. Although not physically abusive, the mental abuse has to stop. I hate what I become when alcohol takes over.
I recently just hit a low point as well. My counselor told me that it should be the lowest I allow myself to get. I went to the bar for a friend's birthday and completely lost control. I remember drinking 4 pitchers of beer and taking shots before blacking out. I know that I did some very stupid and embarrassing things because people apparently video taped me, which is a nice reminder. I remember nothing about how I got home or what I did the remainder of the night. I woke up the next morning at 8 am to pounding on my apartment door. I had no idea what was going on, but soon realized I was covered in vomit, urine, and blood. I had to quickly go clean myself off before answering the door. It was the police. In my drunken stupor I called my counselor and said some scary things. She didn't get my message until the next morning so she tried contacting me and I never answered. She assumed the worst and called the police. That was a week and a half ago and I'm not sure what my next step is. I obviously don't want anything like that to happen again but I'm attached to alcohol right now and I don't know how to let go. People want me to get into AA, but I'm not sure I can do that...I'm scared. Any suggestions?
You might also consider seeing your doctor and/or a counselor for help. Take it one day at a time. Just for today - don't drink. Keep coming and letting us know how you are doing. We are here for you both. ((((hugs))))
It took me a long time to hit bottom. Actually I found that my bottom had a little further to go until I hit "rock bottom", and even then I searched for a jackhammer...
I meet people at meetings who simply quit once and they have been sober for 20 and 30 years, while others -- although losing everything and going to jail or even prison -- simply don't seem to have the capacity to know that this has to be the bottom...
I can't identify with specificity the exact point that I finally "got it", but it took some time with many relapses.
I hit bottom many times but each time I did I justified it and denied it and therefore kept digging. It took me a long time till I actually found out that it was the alcohol and not the situations that was making my life a living hell. Everybodies rock bottom is different . Mine was me about to lose my mind and having lost everything else and realising there was a answer. Sick n tired of being sick n tired and surrendering totally to my hopelessness but willing to do anything to stop drinking and committed to being honest to myself and to another
I have hit my bottom this time for sure. I'm completely hopeless and decided today I'm gonna seek long-term treatment. I'm having bad withdrawals and no one wants to associate with me, except my boyfriend and I'm on my last leg with him. Worst of all, I've lost my sense of spirituality with God. I will be 38 soon, and been binge drinking for 9 years on whiskey, vodka, and wine. I'm so very desperate for help at this point. I now realize I don't and never had all the answers. I have no peace about me at all. It hurts knowing I've hurt all my family with all the ineffective attempts at trying to stay sober in the past. They have lost hope in my situation, I want to also, but I just can't. Hoping I can start digging upward to become useful to God, my children, and my fellow man. The little energy that I can muster up I will use to seek treatment today! I can wait NO LONGER. Any comments or ideas are welcome, as I am praying for u all ... God Bless.
Your definitely on the right track now. It is very important to keep one thing in mind though. All “we” really have is the day that is before us. Tomorrow is just a hopeful expectation that is never guaranteed. That being said, you must focus on staying sober on a day-by-day basis rather than “long-term”.
Give yourself a break, and don’t worry about how others view your recovery. You have to be hopeful of your recovery and have faith that you can quit for just one day – TODAY!
God is always there for us and He is there to help you in your recovery too.
I strongly suggest that you consider Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a therapeutic program that has over 1,250,000 members in the U.S. and helps millions of people stay sober. If you need to find a meeting near you simply visit: Find A.A. Near You | Alcoholics Anonymous
Good on you that sounds like you are ready to fight for your sobriety. There is a answer and rehab is a great start . You will get lots of help and support and they will introduce you to aa .
I had to break my fight down into just getting through the day. and when I travel rough or feel overwhelmed I break it down to minutes. Whatever it takes to get through and no matter what don't pick up a drink . I am living proof that it is possible . I am three years sober . I can totally relate to the feelings you are descibing. If I can help in any way let me know.
When I started getting sober somebody ( another sober lady who guided me ) said god gives you one hundred percent for waking up each day . Just try and do the best you can each day . It a investment and you get out what you put in . The rewards are amazing I pro
ise you that . I will say a prayer for you.
Thanks to all of you for the kind comments. Even though I feel that a treatment program is needed to jump-start this effort, I am also going to become actively involved in AA. I used to go to meetings a while back, so I know that they work. Thanks again ... I'll update you again soon. I am headed to my local mental health/substance abuse review facility this morning. Trying to stay out of my head because I really don't want to leave my home for an unspecified amount of time/days, but I know it's the disease telling me to stay in the house, shut-off from everyone and everybody, so that it can devour what's left of me. Thanks again all.