When is it obvious that others around you are worrying

Hello all. It has been a while since I posted anything. I have responded to other people's posts but have not brought much to the table myself.

Well, I do have a question I suppose today. I work as a teacher and have been off all summer. Upon my return to work in September I had floored everyone with my weight loss. I honestly did not think it was that much. Anyway, last week here is what one of the teachers I hang out with had to ask - " So does there come a point when someone losing weight, like yourself, find that they don't see an end to it? That they never feel like it is enough? I was a little shocked. Was he trying to hint at something??? I have also had others tell me that everytime they see me I look smaller. I am not sure how to take these comments.

On the one hand they seem flattering -I am getting so many "you look so good" complements!!! Yet on the other hand I begin to wonder am I going to far?? I truly do not think so. I eat three meals a day and am definately not a skeleton. But, there is always that little voice in my head that makes me think.

I think my body will level out soon and I will stay at my set point. But, then again, maybe I am already below that. I am a little lost on this one. My psychiatrist knows about my weight loss and is not overly concerned yet.

So, there you have it. My question and/or ponderings for a Sunday.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Hugs and best wishes to you all.

shana...were you trying to lose weight? Are your thoughts now focused on weight/body issues? Are you eating adequate calories to truly feed your body? Are you over-exercising or doing anything else to control your weight?
I ask these questions because it's important to think about where your mind is at this point. If your life and thoughts are centered about keeping your weight at a certain low point, or not gaining, etc., you may want to examine that. And, if others are asking such questions as you describe, it brings concerns to my mind.
Yes, if you are not restricting or 'dieting' in any way, your body will find where it needs to be. If you are, you will manipulate your metabolism with a very high risk of ending up at a much higher setpoint than your natural one. Only you know how this is affecting you. Thank you for sharing....Jan ♥