When is it time to leave a relationship

This article discusses what the signs are of a relationship needing to come to an end which is very helpful;

"Saying goodbye and ending a relationship that makes you unhappy is one of the most difficult decisions to take. Maybe you are experiencing a crisis, maybe the situation will get better soon. Doubt and hope often stand in the way even if no possibility for rejuvenating the relationship exists.

Knowing when to say goodbye is difficult. Fear from the unknown often keeps people in relationships they are unhappy with.

To know whether it is time to say goodbye, you need to put some thought into your behavior, your partner’s reactions, the manner in which you interact with each other and the changes in your relationship that increase the distance between the two of you. It will be difficult to judge the situation impartially but when such major decisions are to be taken, you need to be 100 percent certain in your reasoning.

What signals should you examine before deciding whether to end a relationship?..."


Source: Helium.com

When you wake up unhappy more than happy. www.4020vision.com

Wow, that it so incredibly true. That's why I ended my last relationship; my unhappiness far outdid my happiness, and that's not living.

Hi - to anyone willing to listen, empathize and maybe even shed some light on what I'm going through right now. I'm a 42 year old woman contemplating divorce after a 24 year relationship. Things haven't been good between us (to say the least) for about 6-7 years now. I believe we've exhausted All avenues of reconciliation, my husband thinks there's still hope. I have been sleeping upstairs in the spare bedroom for 2 months now, have told him that I think we should quit hurting one another and still he holds on for dear life! I start questioning my own needs and feelings, thinking that maybe I should give it another try... Then I break down and cry because I feel so trapped! While I'm no longer "in love" with my husband, I do still care and love him. How do I hurt him and walk away from it all? Oh how I need Calgon to take me away! );

Welcome to SupportGroups.com, I sense sometimes people lose focus on what really matters in life & start to feel not appreciated, let down, not supported when maybe they just need some time to talk, think things through & feel better about their future goals. Whether you divorce or not is your decision & not anyone elses & I dont live in your situation so one really cant say, I'm hopeful however you have thought of other options so your not over stressing yourself or your independence. Please talk with us more we're listening & here to try & come to a better emotional outcome for you.

All my strengths friend.


Hi ImaMess27, thank you so much for being here with us and for sharing your story. I am really so sorry for what you are going through, but if you have exhausted all options of possible reconciliation, and its been approximately 7 difficult years in your relationship, then I don't know what else could be done at this stage. It seems that you are struggling to take the next steps. If divorce is a scary step, can you possibly work on a trial separation? Is that an option for you? Because if you are not 100% certain about divorce, then a separation could give you the time you need to really see if that's the right path for you.

I am sure that you have already tried this, but have you been to couples counseling?

Know that we are here for you.

From Romantic Relationships to Divorce & Separation