if you believe you can, or you believe you can't, you are probably right!
i copied this quote from jan's fb page b/c currently the ideas of what i CAN and CAN NOT control have been running marathons around my cranium.
for the most part, i believe that on-lookers, family members, and loved ones [those chosen few who know a bit more about me] can see my situation in a *it's all amy* light. it's ME that makes the decisions that hurt me. they believe with honest care and love that i can simply make the decision to STOP these harmful behaviors.
i have lectured and continue to lecture myself with the *amy, get over yourself and just DO THIS*. i too have believed that i should be able to simply make the decision to stop these harmful behaviors...and that will be that.
[[here comes carrie bradshaw---]] i couldn't help but wonder: where IS the line b/t can and can't? can a person truly WANT change in their life but truly be unable? is it unwillingness? habit? status quo? illness? where IS MY LINE b/t can and can't?
it's no secret: my last therapy session HURT me. yes, simply put- IT HURT ME. my emotions or brain or whatever failed to provide cushion or protection from such an unfathomable blow. i am ill-equipped, my sisterhood, for basic chattering-discussion in a therapist's office. twisting, turning, panic-attack inducing pain... why? why does this HURT me so badly?
my knee **** reflex that leads to full-throttle respond in a *THAT'S NOT ME manner* kicked in... *get over yourself amy. it's not that bad. eat the fucking meal. sit with the fucking meal. move on with life. good gawd, how hard could that possibly be?*
i have started over and started over and started over so many gawd ****ed times in my life it's sickening. *today is the day*... and you know what? sometimes it worked....for a fucking minute.
as the panic-inducing information has been given time to steep in my mind, a strange batch of possible conclusions have brewed- like a chai soy latte....
there is no ONE thing for me to change. NOTHING- and i mean NOTHING- is independent of another... so closely linked like the perfect mousetrap, the dominoes fall bringing about action from the next dependent factor... sounds almost poetic...rhythmic...the cause and effect process of dominoes. but don't be fooled. there's nothing poetic or rhythmic about the messy, ugly, and hurtful MOUSETRAP that occurs thoughout my body and soul.
this is what the picture can look like: if i AM actually able to *get over myself* and take back some control....and actually decrease a harmful behavior, something somewhere else flairs up in order to try to maintain that fucked up status quo. so I CAN INDEED change some behaviors.... what i CAN NOT DO is keep up with the messy, painful trail that baits me... luring me to chase and chase and continue to chase...until i'm right back to the original behavior i was trying to control---it kicks in to compensate for all the fucked up mess along the endless cyclical trail.
in conclusion????? i don't know yet. the mind and soul are powerful emotional enities that seem to work against me in the sloppiest, messiest, most painful manner. can i change? i mean really...can i change? do i WANT to change? is it the discomfort and confusion that scares me into thinking i'll continue to stumble through my briar patch status quo? i don't know yet.
therapy hurt me. what was said, the conclusions that were drawn just hurt me. my emotional sensitivities are raw... i am beginning to really understand that i can NOT change on my own. and...i can NOT ALLOW myself the misfortune of continuing my life in this manner. so maybe... just maybe... a little teeny change at a time, i can lasso bit by bit enough change to learn how to really move through life in a less personally painful manner.
i can change with HELP. but **** it! that HELP HURTS SO BADLY! thank you for reading, my sweet sisterhood of mirrors.....
trying to chase away the little digging claws of denial in order to free up some energy to MOVE FORWARD.....