Who am I today?

Halo.. I'm new here also, and am soo relieved to see I'm in famailar territory or in a familiar "family".. I have some support in my BPD, which is a good thing, some do not!! My son's are getting used to one of my three persons.. I believe they all started when I was a child, hidding from abuse... I went to a couple Dr.s for treatment, but they said it was just stress, one wanted to put me on Prozac, said I was depressed.. No but I was after that, didn't like the way it made me feel.. I tried St. Johns Wort, but made me feel groggy, and the personalities were still here.... I'm glad I am able to share/discuss my 'alters' with others.. Thank You

God bless you for being so strong and determined. Take one day at a time and say a prayer when you can. God bless you.