Who has kids? And how have you dealt with having herpes and

Who has kids? And how have you dealt with having herpes and does it cross your mind that your kids might have it?

I just found out I had herpes and I'm 5 months pregnant and have two other kids so yes it has crossed my mind because I've shared things with them. I have a doctor's appt tomorrow and hopefully they can give me more information. I feel like my world has ended but I pray every day I'm not mad at God or anyone cause there's no one to blame I'm just now trying to be positive and take it day by day. Cause if I sit there and think about it I will drive myself to something stupid I will forever regret.

1 Heart

I do have faith that's what keeps me going but I know there's no cure for this. Only a miracle will change what I'm going thru .. maybe in some years they will be a cure but not right now.

1 Heart

It is very difficult for it to pass if there is no skin to skin contact. So they are most likely fine :). Unless you had an outbreak while giving birth to them but they would usually present an outbreak some days/weeks after birth.

Thanks for the feedback.