Why am i still here?

Everytime someone different has to say something to bring me down i get more suicidal. For example, today in class i thought i was doing really well on this thing n at the end wen we had to clean up some girls started sayn how horrible i did. I couldn't believe she said that wen i was standn rite ther! When i went to the bathroom n washed my hands i looked into the mirror n asked myself, "wat am i doing here? Im so ugly n stupid that no one likes me. I could easily kill myself n end this all. So y m i still here?" I find myself asking me these same questions more often, too often. I just want to feel worthy of living. One day someones gona say something n take it too far, n that's wen im going over the edge.

I know how you feel-I was bullied in highschool and had no friends. It was tough, I always went home "sick". I learned to keep to myself and love math and science. They were my escape from the cruelness. You have to live for the day when you can rule the world and rule over all of the assholes. I'm waiting for the day when I become their boss. You are not ugly or stupid. Trust me I know the feelings you are going through. You may just have to stick by yourself and concentrate on school, make friends with your favorite teacher or find a class you can tutor some other people in. Just take it one day at a time, you will look back and see that yes, it sucked but you were strong enough to get through it. Not many are. I believe in you.

Why do you even care what someone else is saying to you or about you...
Whats the point, It doesn't matter what the coulda, woulda, shoulda crowd says.

You can put yourself above all that garbage if you just grew a little thicker skin and IGNORED it. STOP allowing others to SUCK YOU INTO THIER NEGATIVITY!!!! ITS BS!!!

When really stupid girls start saying crap to you to make you feel terrible, all they are doing is showing HOW UGLY THEY ARE. PERIOD

They are losers who have nothing better to do than belittle because it gives thier empty lives some sort of perverted self gratifying experience... YOU can beat them by not allowing them to CONTROL you ANYMORE.
It's not that hard, just stop listening to them, Ignore them and Walk with courage, Dont ever let someone beat you down,

Remember, WHAT THEY SAY DOES NOT MATTER, its thier problem... Not yours!

now go out there and Enjoy this world as god had intended for you to do!
Let them live in the muck with the Pigs and the garbage, You have better things to do.

No One on this planet has to live in negativity, when you can walk in rightiousness

hey Ron,

When you said, "grow thinker skin" and "its not that hard" I hope this sweet girl didn't take it to heart. That's not the way to help someone. When people told me things like that, it made me worse. These types of situations need to be approached with tenderness. Especially when they're struggling to keep themselves alive. I hope you understand.

Hey thats fine... its your opinion and I will understand that..apparently thats what worked in your situation.