Why do I have to go through this. I received a text message

Why do I have to go through this. I received a text message from my sons father saying "im sorry for being distant been talking to a therapist and dealing with this the best I can".

I didnt respond im sorry if I sound like a cold person but Ive through alot so I have nothing too say after more than a month of no communication even I do his focus is not where it should be this is quite tiring. Never again will I date or have more children I had two failed relationships tired of getting hurt.

Rant over thanks for reading.

2 Hearts

You don't sound cold, you sound tired and resolved.

1 Heart

@CKarma yes indeed im tired all of all these issues its truly ridiculous and yes im hurt he doesnt man up too his responsibilities its been entirely me taking care and supporting my son so then for him, his father and his sister to come next month too wanting too see my son after months prior his sister insults me via social media on my sons picture,my sons father posted she since then never has she communicated, then my sons father his mother saying oh she can get alot of help even with diapers she states she tells her son to help out but clearly he doesnt . I wish this was all a dream .

You're entitled to feel that way. You're not being cold at all.

1 Heart

I agree with Kristen and CKarma. You are being healthy taking care of yourself and your boundaries.

1 Heart

@lissiehud607 yes it is very difficult ive tried having communication ive tried skype so he can see his son even though he doesnt help me whatsoever im not justifying myself I did mistakes when I was in a relationship with this person and I was the bigger person and apologized but here we have a little baby 8 months old ive supported and been there he hasn’t whatsoever his mother saying nonsense in getting help elsewhere and supposely have told him to help he never has. But like I said ive skyped ive tried communication very difficult he stopped communicating and now wrote me stating his been going to therapy I didnt say anything I don’t wish him wrong but ive been through alot.