I'm 64 years old and went crazy on my son about a year ago. I'm on Celexa for my depression. I take amitripoline(sp?) to sleep, but that doesn't work any more so my doctor prescibed a sleeping pill. My brain runs around in circles likr a roller coaster. What does Bipolar mean?
At your age, there are many changes going on in your body I presume. How did you go crazy on your son? How is your brain going in a circle? I find setting a routine before bed will train your body to sleep better. Do some type of excercise in the evening, take a hot bath or shower. Keep your room cool, dark and stress free. Keep your bed nicce and just how you like it, plenty of pillows too. I always try more natural things before meds. Well just try to keep positive and I reccomend a journal to keep track of your moods feelings and symptoms since this is a new thing.
Im sorry you feel the meds arent working right.
Sometimes, those sleeping pills can cause mor harm than good. Im not saying it always happens but, it can. Have you ever tried Melatonin? Its a hormone ones body makes on its own that helps you sleep better. But, in some people, there bodies dont produce as much Melatonin as needed. Som there are some things you can eat that can help you sleep better.
Oatmeal, bananas, rice, tomatoes, almonds and seeds. There is a ingredient in yogurt and milk called Acidolpphus that can help you sleep too. You may try buying sleepy time tea at the store and having that before bed too.
For me, I eat yogurt, bananas and oatmeal every night before I go to sleep and I sleep better than I used to.
Some people like to try to exercise at least 30 minutes a couple hours before bed so that their bodies can wind down.
If you want, you can try some of those things above. Can you let me know how it goes for you?
Take care and God bless,
Thank you both for your comments. The meds I mentioned are 2 scrips that I've been on for years, long before my episode with my son. From what I am told I became very vocal, very loud and nasty. I really don't remember much of it. I do know I ended up in the hospital for a week. and a nursing home for a month. I took a fall and blacked out to wake up in the hospital and found a new complication know as Drop Foot for us layman.
Hello dannygirl,
Im sorry. It seems like youve been through a lot. I became severely psychotic when I was 12(Im now 18 and am doing so much better) and when that happened, I became very hostile and very mean towards my family. I dont remember much of it but my family sure does. My family understands I was sick and needed help. I dont know what kind of person your son is but, I believe he will understand that you werent feeling right but, that you are feeling better now.
Im not sure what drop foot is but, I looked up online and there is a condition known as foot drop. That sounds incredibly uncomfotable and I hope you are getting help with that.
I hope you are doing well today and if there is sun where you live, I hope you have had some time to enjoy it.
Take care and write back if you need anything. We are all here to help and support you through any hard times you may have.
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder