Why does liquor attack psoriasis?

Why does liquor attack psoriasis?

What makes psoriasis go away so I can wear shorts and not be embarrassed?

My psoriasis is always bad on my knees, except for one time I travelled to Monaco with work,
I happend to be working with someone with the ame problem.
But this girl didn't care about the people pointing at us as we walked along the beach, it felt good not to worry about how I looked.
But I have never been able to recreate the confidence she inspired me with since that.

So I know how you feel when you see people stare and point.

No one is perfect I shouldn't really care what other ppl think,I want to be able to wear shorts in the summer:)

I always try to get my knees out in my garden if there is no one around, or in a park where I'm not likely to see anybody I know.
I know it's hard but the more I cover mine up the worse it gets.
Is this the same for you as well?

I wear capris