I have been on SG for about 2 years now( off and on) and while I mainly post on the eating disorder site, but I wanted to visit this section of SG.
I have just wondered--why do people feel sad about being alone???
I think it is great! I thrive being alone, I love it, I wouldn't have it any other way.
People are just cruel and judgemnetal and nasty. Why bother? I love being alone cause I am free to be me without worry and pressures of people pleasing. I have had nothing but bad experinces with people, ever since I was little and my mom beat me up and humiliated me and verbally abused me till I was 27 years old. My dad raped me and left my crazy mom to raise me alone. Ever since then, I have become friends with people, only to be betrayed and left crying alone.
My best freinds have backstabbed me, left me , and used me. I had my one best freind who I loved more than anything in the world--betray me so hideously I decided then and there ( 2 years ago) to never befriend anyone else again. I got tired of being treated like crap. When you are nice to people , and give them money and buy people gifts, you get tired of being rejected, made fun of and left to fend for yourself. I am a super loving , giving person. I would do anything for anyone. But I think people in general are awful, and I hate to say that but it is true.
I see it all the time: people being jugded for the way they look, their dress size, what they own, how much money a person makes, people bullying one another, people abusing one another, violence, hatred, conceit, nastiness. All people care about it what you LOOK like , how thin you are, and how much money you make. People are judgemental, shallow, superficial and full of hate. So, why feel bad to be alone? I am overjoyed to be alone.
NO longer do I feel the need to look a certain way ( and heck, Ive gained 12 pounds this year due to hypothyroidism anyway), I dont feel the need to be pressured to fit in anymore. The weight is lifted off my back; the monkey is off my back. I feel free just being me, not having to live up to people's excpectations. I dont have to be judged for the way I look if I dont befriend others.
Yes, I have put a wall up. I dont want to get hurt anymore. I am tired of it! So I decided to live my life without friends or people putting me down. I have a wonderful fiancee and his family, so if I want to talk they are there. But, no more! NO more being hurt. I'm done making friends, I'm done.
I feel so elated not having to worry about peoples opinion's . It is amazing. I feel great being alone. Im not totally alone, I do have my fiancee, but I don't want freinds. I feel safe, and protcted from pain this way. It feels wonderful. I can do whatever I like knowing I wont be judged for looking the way I do or doing what I do. I d much likely befriend mother nature or an animal because they are non judgemental.
And please, dont try to change my mind about this. I love being alone, I flourish in it. I have a couple friends I talk to them sometimes, and that is it. I feel free in this lifestyle.
Thank you for reading, have a good day,