Why is it harder for homosexual men and women then it is for headerosexual men and women? I think they all should be treated as equals but it seems that society disagrees.
Hello there,
I completely agree with you that everyone regardless of sexuality should be treated equally. However, things are slowly getting better for the LGBT community, which can only be a good thing.
I think that LGBTs have it harder because they are seen as "different." Society pretty much looks down upon people who are "different," which would perhaps explain the mistreatment of LGBTs.
Take care.
Faye you got a point however how do straight people know we dont see them different as well they are hypocrites.
I ask myself the same question everyday. I agree with Faye, society does look down upon people who are "different." but who ever said different is bad, I've always told myself that we are just simply special. Someday the gay community will be created equally. Just look how far we've come with racism. It make take a while, but I promise it will get better. It always does:)
You are right race was a problem years ago and still kinda is but still based on sexual orientation I think it was harder to deal with that is just my guess.
I fell for my best friend we were really close anyway but i can only be intimate with her when drinking. She is bi-sexual. Am i gay?
Depends what do you mean by close?
I believe we should all be treated equil straight or gay. No matter the area you live in or the people you live around, its so important to treat us all the same.
Yes but unfortunately that is not how it is is it?
I feel the same way but not everyone has a open orientation like I do. I feel you should believe in want you want to believe in, love who you fall in love with not fake your love with someone you don't, your sex or race or age should not affect how people look at you. They should judge you on your character and ( If a work place ) how you perform and work on the job.
I think the more straight people are exposed to gay people acting naturally in society (by naturally I mean PDA and all) they will have no choice but to be comfortable and used to being around us! Were are not going ANYWHERE we are here to stay lol! We should not have to feel like we need to hide and only show affection in the privacy of our homes or in GAY/LESBIAN places (clubs, bars..). We should be OK and not feel like we are being stared down all the time! I love my girl and I won't change that because of how anyone else feels about it :)
Lex I can respect you for that i support you for that.
Kodaxk you are so right.