Why relationships end

This is a good article that outlines the reasons that relationships end. For me, trust is a HUGE reason;

"Most people don't go into a relationship anticipating the end. Instead there are likely feelings such as fluttering butterflies in the stomach, happy thoughts in the mind, and anticipation in the heart. Emotions are all about the excitement in getting to know this new person better as the seeds for the relationship are planted.

Sometimes these seeds flourish and grow into sturdy and hearty plants, other times they wither and don't get far beyond the seedlings and budding stage. Then there are those special relationships which become firmly entrenched and grow strong roots.

Whether a relationship is long-term, short-lived or a seemingly permanent commitment, it is hard to say from the beginning what the future holds for any relationship. Despite high hopes and hard work, sometimes even the best of the deepest connected relationships can sadly come to an end due to bad judgment, circumstances or other unexpected change.

The reasons for the ended relationship may vary, but for most people many of the same kinds of feelings exist when a relationship ends. The most common feelings associated with relationships ending are sadness, despair, longing, anger or fear.

With so many negative feelings linked to breakups, the question of why relationships die begs asking. Why would anyone want to experience the heart wrenching emotions that accompany breaking up with a significant other? Why do relationships, regardless of length, die?

There could be several reasons why this occurs. When a relationship runs its course, these are some of the most common reasons why either one or both partners come to the realization it is time to end the partnership:


Lies, big or small, can permanently harm a relationship. Trust is the primary building block to any relationship and once this piece of the foundation is cracked, often the crack widens until the foundation crumbles completely.

While it is true many relationships can survive white lies, and even sometimes larger untruths, dishonesty of one partner to the other often causes irrevocable damage...."


Source: Helium.com


relationships seem to get more complicated as people bring previous baggage to the new relationship and although they go thru the motions they dont leave the past completely behind therefore the relationship is tainted by past hurts before it gets off the ground, this makes both parties shy of giving their whole commited selves to a relationship keeping something in reserve for that day in the future when it goes wrong

just a thought

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

As always, such great insight Domestic, and I have to agree with your thoughts on this subject.


i often think about it if one of us had to date again we would have eight kids five partners of the kids and four grandkids plus assorted family members to include who would want to take on that lot with an open heart especilly if they dont have the child baggage or a death certificate for the missing half

they would take one look and run as soon as the going got tough and who can blame them did they sign on for that lot???

its a shame that we cant just put life into little boxes so that the lines dont blur into each other can u imagine it im sorry im gona be late the kids/grandkids have turned up so ive been delayed or im sorry im at the hospital with one of them feel free to come if u would like to

hmm guess when the time comes i will just have to be a single oldie

arh well

loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

So true Domestic, it'd be so nice to put our lives into little boxes :-)