Hello everyone,
I am not trying to be negative or discouraging, but facts point to this point why try to look for a ghostly job?
I am not keen on the idea of waiting till the "market get better"
What if it never get better? I don't believe in the reports of unemployment rate dropping not a bit.
If anything I have seen a lot of people just give up or get let go.
Why should I be positive or think that it's "going to get better", when there are no jobs to begin with.
Everyone tells you that"the jobs out there you just need to look harder."
Done that,Did that and my situation is not getting any better it just keep getting worser and worser.
No one deserve this stress and I am quite literally fed up with all the b s that is going on in this nation.
What will it take for them to realize that people want to be working,not another unemployment check?, in which I don't get or receive.
Are we suppose to resolve to crime as a answer?
Because If I want something bad I will do whatever to get it.
I ain't afraid to admit it because can't no one say what they won't do if they walk a day in my shoes.
The bottom line is why pressure or make people feel less than human because they are out of work?
You know exactly what I mean, neighbors, people you see turn their back or look down on you.
People by nature will act or exhibit this behavior out of survival theory, but they don't know if you depress or down on your luck.