I was a bit concerned about joining an online support group.
But after poking around here for a couple of days. This does seem like a good group. I've been involved with a couple of other online groups, a long time ago, and didn't really care for them a whole lot. Although they were not "SUPPORT" groups. More like general social networking I guess.
Theirs an entirely different atmosphere in a genuine support group.
I should have figured that out from experience with in person support groups verses mainstream socializing.
People in support groups have usually been hurt. They come together, often reluctantly because of what outsiders have said, to heal there wounds and find relief from there pain.
As a result of being depressed, stressed, worried or what ever there case may be. They are usually much more lo key. They don't want to argue or have to be aggressive to exert their point or defend their position. They have often already done that else ware and found it unsatisfying.
By the time they get to a "good" support group they are looking fore people who understand how they feel, not because they beat it into them. They usually find that that doesn't work anyway, but because people in the group have had similar experiences or situations that have left them with similar feelings. Feelings that "Nobody Else Understands!!". Sound familiar?
I have, what I eventually figured out for myself and later had confirmed by professionals when I began looking for help, severe chronic depression. Mixed in with a bunch of other, what they call co-morbid conditions.
Of coarse I take a bunch of different drugs for It. Not because the doctors said this will cure you. But because I want'ed to see if they would actually provide relief. Some have worked better than others. The current cocktail I have worked out with my shrink helps. Sometimes more than others. But theres no fix it all with this pill cure.
I've also recently began to realize that at least for me. Recent things that naturally cause acute emotional discomfort. Often and previously unknowingly bing me back to the original habitual symptoms of the chronic condition. Which explains the recent too frequent bouts of depression I've been having lately.
Oh and speaking of drugs. I think and have recently read current confirmations. That it's Very unfortunate that do to the highly increased volume of people who are breaking the social stigma, admitting and seeking help for their emotional discomforts, Often out of ignorance and poor taste referred to as "mental problems",
That there are literally not enough qualified Psychologists, CSW.s
or counselors around to work with people. So it has become commonly accepted practice for doctors to just prescribe pills. When many people would benefit much much more from both, or just having someone to talk to.
Patrick L