This is my first group post! Yay!
I have been accepted into the Peace Corps legally and based on my personal qualifications etc. The last part of the process is the medical evaluation. Basically they sent me a ton of paperwork that all of my doctors have to fill out plus an extensive physical etc. My physical doctors have basically cleared me as being stable and medically able to go but I worry worry worry about how my mental health doctor will respond. Her and I have really only recently began to identify my issues with OCD (picking and biting skin and nails) and am in the process of possibly looking at medication paired with special therapy to deal with those specific behaviors.
I don't want them to not let me go! Too much time and work has gone into this over the past 8 months and I don't want them to look at my paperwork and see that I have 'recently' started medical treatment for this. I am trying not to let the irony of worrying cause me to continue the very behavior that could keep me from going. So far so good.
:( Megan
If your anxiety isn't affecting your everyday life, I doubt it will come between you and your dreams. Most importantly you can't worry about things you have no control over. Anyway I hope you get your medical clearance to go to the peace corps. I want to go as well, but you have to have a bachelors to go!
I was diagnosed with OCD about 7 months ago. One of my problems was that I have bitten my nails for 30 years. After my psychiatrist started me on prozac, it wasn't until I was up to 80 mgs. that I quit. And I DIDN"T even know that I had until about 1 week later. I also used to pluck the hairs out of my legs with tweezers just so that when the hair started growing back I could pick at the skin and pluck them again. It's embarrassing to me to admit that but it's true. But I no longer do this either. And you aren't crazy just bc you have OCD so I don't see how the Peace Corps could not let you in. If you had schizophrenia or something, I could understand them not letting you. But this is OCD. Yes, it's hard to deal with but I know a few people (including myself) that still work and do all kinds of things that have it. Please don't keep worrying about this. I bet you will have no problem getting in!!! please keep us updated and let us know. Good luck but I don't really think you will need it. Hope you have a great weekend!!