Would it be so much to ask for a girl thats into rock&roll, that agrees Chris Brown looks like a scarecrow that was left in the sun for too long and that base animal instincts are not the only fun to be had in life, bad boy equals narcissistic hyena with a hard on. I need a purpose. Or maybe I just need a great adventure, but if I'm lacking one in my life, that is its because I allow my fears to cripple me. Much like cancer, fear is a silent killer.
5 Hearts
Fear is the hope and joy killer. Fear wants you paralyzed. Though I know sometimes it is hard to find the courage. Talkin to myself too.
2 Hearts
Not a fan of Chris brown either. You pretty much have to find that purpose or make a purpose. Its what I did. And it feels right.
1 Heart
@ashabirdie True, we do have to make a purpose but its not easy all the time to build something out of nothing. Something with no substantial material or physical value. But I’ll get there eventually. Just getting it off my head at the moment.
You want to be a musician am I right? Move in the direction of your goals , and the girl will come along my friend. Good point asha.
1 Heart
@naturalwonder It all comes back to the fears.