
does anybody do yoga? And if so, does it help?

I have tried it, and found alot of the positions we on the ground or too low for me. I switched to Tai Chi, all upright, perfect amount of balance and movement.

i'll try both when/if i'm ever able to be upright for the amount of time it takes to do. so it goes on my very big to get to/to do list.

You can problably do a modified version of either, in the horizontal postion. It'd be low impact. real low impact

dunklergeist76, just had spinal surgery 3 weeks back so i won't be going there for a while hun, but thanks so much for the input dear,

I do yoga for my degenerative Joint disease. It has given me more movement, and has also lenghtend my spine. Last Dr. visit I had gotten and inch taller. I use modified postions and use blocks. There are some different types of yoga, you just have to do a little research to find the best style for you and the right Yogi. The first class I walked into the instructor just looked at me and told me what was wrong with my body. hips out of alignment, left shoulder rotator cuff injured, resent ankle injury, she just started pointing out problem area. I started laughing and told her I had degenerative joints, so yes my whole body has problems. She took extra time after class to show me safe ways to do the stretching and poses. It has helped with the pain and has also improved my mood.

i started doing yoga while in treatment for my anorexia.. it really made me appreciate my body and all that it could do. i just feel really strong and beautiful while doing yoga.. i guess it kind of depends on the person though.... but there are so many types of yoga.. so maybe you could chose one that works best for you?