You know its genuine love when

You unselfishly love them and make the choice to let them go so they can find their happiness. No matter how much it hurts it is the greatest gift to give and the most selfless act to show just how much you really do care.

Its been an up hill battle with the person I love but today I finally realized her happiness means so much to me and I love her enough to wish her well, say goodbye, and set her free.

You are very understanding and compassionate. Wishing you all the happiness. God bless you.

Very unselfish and one of the greatest acts of love that I have heard in awhile. =)

Thanks ladies!

I guess you can say I'm finally growing up.

Growing up?!! What a foreign concept to me. I am thinking I might outta try that.
wish me luck

Don't be fooled by my declaration of "growing up", I still watch more cartoons and animated movies than anything else. And I'd much rather go spend $100 at Dave and Busters instead of gambling where you actually have a chance to win money and not tickets to get yourself a fruit roll up LOL. I'm a total kid at heart! But after 30 years of roaming this planet it is time to grow up in other areas. I'm still a work in progress though! One step at a time darlin'. You'll get there too :)