You know, it's really hard not being able to be open about w

@spriterook7 I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here other than being rude and belligerent. I don’t appreciate it. I’ve seen you do this to other people’s thread and know you’ve been warned about your hostility. No one appreciates your attitude. I don’t know what mental problems you have, because obviously you have problems, but if you can’t be supportive don’t comment, and if you can’t comment without being a jerk then we don’t want you here. The difference between this case and yours is that YOU are actually being inappropriate and harmful, and have been ever since you came here; we were not and never have been.

@spiriterook7 please take your negative troll-like behavior and energy somewhere else, preferably the therapist's office and not here. You need help. Such comments and people who enjoy these childish games are not welcomed here. GOOD LUCK :) ~ . @AnaLeigh thank you for being a firm pillar of support for the members here.

2 Hearts

Frankly ... I see all of this was a "non-issue" which "SG Administration" created in their zeal to appease a minority ... and should take the time now to elaborate on their stand on the open forum so that all members understand.

"SG Administration" created this ... now it is their time to appease the masses with an explanation.

I think everyone should take a very good look at the thread/discussion in question and decide what was so offensive? I thought the thread/discussion was beautiful and gave others hope of a possible brighter future.

If I may quote "Jack Welsh" ... "Face Reality As It Is ... Not As It Was Or As You Wish It To Be." Something the "SG Administration" should strongly consider.

* To "spriterook7" ... I suggest you back-off ... seek professional assistance for your issues ... and STOP sending "PM's" to "AnaLeigh". It would truly be in your best interest if you truly want to help yourself. Do not place yourself on my radar further.

3 Hearts

Thank you for your support everyone. Please know that screenshots have been taken of all offending material and submitted to SG with the recommendation the profile be deleted due to continued demonstrations of belligerence over the course of the individual's membership. So let's all continue with this thread as though those comments weren't made; they will soon be removed.

1 Heart

And for the record: moderators can't delete or alter posts made by other members. The only privilege we have that "regular" members don't have is the ability to message and be messaged without both parties supporting one another. That's it. Otherwise we're under the exact same rules and restrictions as everyone else.

1 Heart

This post took a disturbing turn.

2 Hearts

Also I just wanted to say that I am happy that you are happy AnaLeigh, even if you aren't allowed to express it the way you would like. *hugs*

2 Hearts

@MagiaMoonlight Thank you so much for your words of kindness and support. I really needed them with this troll running amuck. It’s a shame that some people have nothing better to do than harass others with incoherent and hurtful ramblings.

@tay1_23xoxo It’s alright, Tay. When SG deletes a profile all of that person’s posts and comments are erased. So soon this thread will be nice and neat and full of only positivity as it was intended to be :slight_smile:

I truly believe that if you want to live a full life with the right people in it, you have to be open and honest with first yourself, then others. Telling people you are Bi will be hard but the best thing. Living a lie for 30 plus years has been hell. Be true,be proud.

Be honest to yourself first is a big secret more than been honest it's your life and if t
You can live it without hurting anyone anyone can like who they want but don't try over like someone or you may lose everything as you said telling people what you are is the hardest part because you dont know how they will react but at the end of the day if you lose a few along the way you always have sg to keep you going

I'm glad to see that the person bringing so much negativity to this thread has been banned from the site and their comments removed. The way I see it, we all are entitled to our own opinions, but there are appropriate ways to express those opinions, ways that are not argumentative or offensive. No one should be attacking anyone on the boards for any reason. Even if there are disagreements, they need to be had in a civilized manner. Thank you for everyone's continued support. <3

4 Hearts