Youngest child of a divorced mother. Dad's been in the Philippines for more than ten years. I miss him every second of everyday. I, at five years old, witnessed my parents BEAT each other and that had resulted in their divorce. I've live with the trauma everyday for the last 14 years, and have never once had someone to talk to. Anyone?
Is everything ok?
@KatrinaMarielle Hard to tell right now. Mind’s just… numb.
Can u not contact your father
@KatrinaMarielle He calls, but not very often, and when he does, it’s only for so long. Doesn’t wanna get Skype or FaceTime. Every time he calls, he just talks about how much he misses us, especially me, being his baby. Every time I hear his voice through the phone, I just wanna break down and cry.
Well tell him how you feel. He is after all your father. There is always a connection between fathers and their kids no matter what. Do not be afraid to say what you feel. You are entitled to say it. Were u born in US
@KatrinaMarielle Yeah.