Youve been a great audience thank you and goodnight

You’ve all been a wonderful audience, Thank you and Good night! Remember to be safe weather it’s in your bedroom or in your car. Or anyplace else for that matter. Were Plain a Gig at the Vanandel arena next week Thursday at 8:00 So if your in town please stop by. They will be taking voluntary donations at the door for a good cause: It’s called: Even the band needs to eat once in a wile …… Hope to see ya then Peace Out.

Meanwhile back in reality. I wanted to clarify a few things. Hopefully understanding will help to elevate some flack I’ve been receiving lately. First I’d like to say that I have talked to several Kind, Warm, Understanding, and Caring people on this site. As I’m sure most of you have done also. Many of us share similar verities of the same seemingly manageable but incurable biological hardships, and lots of us have been through some things that at the time may have seemed unbearable. Hopefully when its over, and reflecting on what doesn’t work we are then more open to accept what used to seem stupid or wimpy, but which has been proven time and again to work much better, with less pain and a more desirable outcome. My personal opinion is that after a little time to gain a fresh perspective and allow the paint to subside. (And for those still suffering, It will subside) eventually. If we keep an open heart and an open mind.

Perpetual bitterness is a sad thing when you look at all the wonderful things you or someone else could have experienced but chose not to because of previous unpleasant things that may have happened or resentments they refuse to let go of.

Before anyone gets the wrong impression and thinks I’m preaching from the soapbox. I’ll be happy to tell you the only reason I feel that I can say these things. Is because I have spent many years in similar situations myself.
And I have never learned anything the easy way in my life.

Recently a rare and sparse few people have begun to sling, rude, profane, and what they think are threatening things at me. Because they don’t agree with something I have said.

*Let me make this very clear* Absolutely every one has a right to have there own opinion. Everyone no matter what they think is free to think that. And just as they would not want me to belittle or threaten to ban there opinion. Any references I make are purely hypothetical and have nothing to do with anyone. They may relate to a situation, And even then it’s only “my” opinion. (I’m not forcing anyone to accept or believe anything).
Take what you want, If you want any of it, and forget about the rest. If you don’t like my posts then don’t read them. If you don’t like what your hearing on the radio or TV. Change the channel.

*And especially* If you don’t agree with something I’ve said. Then rater than throw dirt from behind an alias name and no picture, Or try to get someone else to do your dirty work for you. LETS HEAR YOUR OPINION.
Not one of you as had the back bone to do that yet!!!!!!!

Patrick W. Laundra
Grand Rapids Michigan.
[email protected]


Could'nt of said it better myself. Keep the faith.
"Semper Fi"
