I saw the psych. doctor, and he prescribed me the generic of Zoloft, and Perphenazine. I'm very anxious to take these 1. because I'm a hypochondriac and I think I'm going to go into anaphylactic shock and die, or get terrible side effects. and 2. Because I've never taken anything but 3 days worth of Celexa, and I don't know what to expect. So before I start taking them, I was kind of hoping people who have prior experience could share the positives and negatives of either medicine. I should of dealt with these problems when I was 13, not 23, but, that's not all my fault. I should of just taken the pill and not read into it so much, but now that I have I need to know what to do, and what to expect. I appreciate the input from everyone.
I am not familiar with this medication, but if you feel uncertain, the best thing is to seek another medical opinion, this way you will feel more confident and comfortable. Wishing you the best. God bless you.
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder