32 years old here, any other guys around my age who deal wit

32 years old here, any other guys around my age who deal with this? It so often feels like this is either a problem for old people or kids...

1 Heart

32 as well, but only for 3 more weeks. Not a guy, but a girl who wets the bed. Basically never grew out of it. No idea why. I know genetics played a large part in me bedwetting through childhood and teen years, but while other family members grew out of it during their teens I never did.
Still, it could be worse. At least it's not life-threatening.

3 Hearts

@lisaanderssonI didn’t stop wetting the bed until I was almost 22

23 female called Teri, which is short for Theresa. And I'm still a bedwetter. Used to be every night but less often now. But I still sometimes have accidents.

3 Hearts

Hi there I am 22 years old male who have bed wetting problem but sometimes wet during the day. I have to wear protection 24/7

1 Heart

33m here - I can totally relate. Been dealing with it most my life. How about you?

1 Heart

@Johnnykarate yes all my life. Had some embarrassing moments where I wet the bed at my cousin’s. Can go long periods without doing it and then it happens

Hi, I have a similar story to yours. Im 33 now and still wet. Nobody knows why. Never really stopped.

when i was a kid i wet the bed but my parents trained me out of it. would wake me up at midnight and take me to the toilet. have you tried this? you could use an alarm

Have tried basically everything over the years. Nothings worked. Now its just reusables and bed mats at home and disposables and plastic pants away

I know how hard it can be. Especially if its not every night and you dont know when it will hapoen. Let me know if you want to chat

I have a pretty similar story to yours. I still wet at 33 and nobody knows why. Let me know if youd like to chat more at all about it.

Im around your age and a guy and I still wet the bed. You are not alone by any means. Ive been a bedwetter for my whole life. Just never seemed to grow out of it. Let me know if youd like to chat or need advice or support